Thursday, April 30, 2015

Microsoft: Windows 10 new features and integration of iOS apps … –

On Wednesday, Microsoft announced new features of Windows 10 and presented a set of packages to software development kit (SDK) to help developers in the transfer of web applications, .NET, Win32, Android and iOS to Windows 10. At the annual Build conference, Microsoft announced a new Microsoft Azure for intelligent applications, Visual Studio .NET and runtime environment for Windows, Mac and Linux, as well as APIs that help build advanced applications with Office 365 services.

 “ Microsoft has ambitious plans for the platforms that create new opportunities for developers to Windows Azure and Office ” – said Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s CEO. “ Together we will create more personal and intelligent solutions that will help billions of people achieve more”.

 Windows 10 offers a unique scale and opens up new opportunities for developers

 Microsoft introduced several new features of Windows 10, the scalability of the application interface across devices to new ways of building code for Windows 10. Due to the huge potential of the new system, the company estimates that in fiscal year 2018 the world will be a billion active devices Windows 10.

 Microsoft explained closer, as developers can create a single application that will run on all Windows 10 devices, automatically adapting to different screen sizes. With Universal Windows Platform developers can customize applications to the unique capabilities of each device, integrate Cortana and Xbox Live with their applications, provide a secure financial transactions, display holograms and publish their programs in the Windows Store. The company also showed how applications can scale their interface with the use of solutions Continuum, also forming part of Universal Windows Platform, which allows you to use the phone for work or entertainment as PC1.

 Windows Store will offer the same experience to users of all devices Windows 10 and make it easier to find interesting content including applications, games, music, videos and other materiałów2. Transactions will benefit from a number of popular payment options, including the largest settlement system operator, which owns 90 mobile network operators. USA Today, WeChat, Disney and Netflix Inc. it is only a few partners mentioned in his speech who already are building apps for Windows Store.

 Microsoft welcomed all the developers on the Windows Platform Universal announcing four new packages to create software that will facilitate the transfer of web applications, .NET, Win32, iOS and Android to Windows Store with minimal code modifications. As a result, developers will be able to start from existing code for Android or iOS, integrate it with the features of Universal Windows Platform, and then distribute the new application via the Windows Store.

 The section also includes new features Microsoft Edge, web browser Windows 10, which help users discover new applications and enable future expansion of software using JavaScript and HTML languages.

 Highlighting the potential of Windows 10, Microsoft discussed the progress that has made in less than 100 days from the first presentation of Microsoft HoloLens – the world’s first holographic standalone computer that runs under Windows 10 – and showed how clients such as Trimble, Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic using this innovative technology.

 Microsoft showed a prototype of a flexible SQL Azure database that allows independent software vendors and vendors’ software as a service “(SaaS) to combine the resources of thousands of databases, and thus benefit from the efficient consumption of resources, low price and high performance offered by public cloud. To help developers in managing large data sets, Microsoft introduced Azure SQL Data Warehouse, the industry’s first cloud data storage enterprise class offered as a service, which can increase, decrease or hold in a few seconds. The company also announced Azure Date Lake, open and highly scalable data repository that supports petabytes of files and ensures rapid integration with services HDInsight Azure, Azure Machine Learning, Cloudera and Hortonworks, allowing you to quickly draw conclusions from vast amounts of data.

 To increase the productivity of each developer, Microsoft has announced new tools and runtime environments for multiple platforms and devices. Visual Studio Code, available in Preview for Windows, Mac and Linux, is a free, focused on the code editor optimized for web applications and cloud. Strengthening the cooperation with open source communities and .NET, Microsoft introduced the version of Preview The .NET Core for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Microsoft released a version of Release Candidate Visual Studio 2015, which makes it easy to build and deploy applications on Windows, Linux, iOS and Android.

 Office helps developers to reach new users and build intelligent solutions

 Microsoft showed a new solution that will allow developers to reach 1.2 billion users of Office, including the new Office Graph application programming interface, extensive support for add-ons for iPad and Outlook and unified API. Office Graph API allows customers and developers to read and complement the Office Graph, intelligent data storage for users, services and relationships Office 365 Unified API OneNote, Outlook, and onedrive, in conjunction with the Office Graph, will contribute to the creation of applications that help consumers and organizations to take advantage of their most valuable and most useful data.

Because of the enormous potential of the new system, the company estimates that in fiscal year 2018 the world will be a billion active devices with Windows 10.

 1 On release, this feature will be limited to selected high-end phones. External monitors must be equipped with HDMI input. Accessories sold separately.
 2 Availability of applications and user experience may vary depending on the market.

Source: Microsoft



With Microsoft emerges a truly universal format … – dobreprogramy

Even before yesterday known in the world of Windows blogger Paul Thurrot
 commented on the rumors, the Redmond, expressing their concerns about the
 meaningfulness strategy which aimed to open Microsoft’s platform
 Android software. As we have heard during yesterday
 transmission BUILD conference, the reality was worse
 rumors (at least from the perspective presented by Thurrota).
 Windows will be able to run applications created not only
 for Android, but for iOS-a, known for the highest quality
 available software on it. How do they feel now everyone
 Those who wasted devoted long hours to learn
 programming for Windows Phone, instead of dealing with Android, or

Let us recall what we already know. Microsoft announced
 four-step plan to make Windows the most versatile
 runtime platform for software. First,
 developers were given the opportunity to transform services
 Web and browser based applications in the “windowed” applications
 Windows. Secondly, there will be the possibility of disseminating
 Windows applications through the official store, regardless of whether
 These are apps for win32, Windows RT, .NET Windows Presentation
 Foundation and .NET WinForms. Such applications are to be installed
 in virtualized containers, and automatically update
 clean way to uninstall, so users no fear
 Consequently, their download.

The elements of Microsoft’s strategy can not be faulted -
 a mess that can make Windows applications can be
 nielichy, and this is obviously not the fault of the application, but
 ill-system architecture. Using known
 Linux containerization techniques is the best way to avoid
 the need to redesign the system (threatening yet
 losing backwards compatibility), and also the introduction of
 orders. Likewise, the ability to easily transform the Web-
 application into something that will work well with system
 interfaces (eg. API files or energy management mechanisms)
 This same benefit for users.

However, the next steps in the plan are much more controversial.
 Islandwood project is built by Microsoft to build chain
 Objective C language with a layer of middleware, introducing
 Windows programming interfaces, which could be expected
 Apps for iOS and. At reportedly minimal amendments will be
 so that any application for iOS and run on Windows.

In turn, the Astoria project is a complete runtime environment
 for Android, so that will be a significant part
 applications (both written in Java on Android SDK, as well as C / C ++ on
 Android NDK) in APK packages run directly on Windows.
 A significant portion, but not all. Astoria most likely not
 You will be able to handle all the APIs that are
 closed, proprietary Google Mobile Services. It remains an open question to what extent Microsoft be able to play reverse engineering methods.
 Astoria provide is for it
 proprietary interfaces through which the android developers will
 able to get to the Windows functions such as eg. Digital
 assistant Cortana.

Both Islandwood and Astoria have become part of
 what now officially bears the name Windows Mobile (ie special
 version of “windows” for smartphones and small tablets) – not
 known or are embedded in the full-size windows 10.
 their effectiveness is not what doubt: if the BlackBerry
 It was unable to its mobile operating system to build a high-
 compatible runtime for Android applications, it
 the more it is able to do it from Microsoft. Consider
 but it should be on whether in this situation is any sense in
 build native applications for Windows Mobile – since writing
 software for the Android SDK, you can access not only to
 niche quite a Microsoft platform, but also for the famous
 operating system in the history of mankind.

It is possible that this move Microsoft has strengthened only
 Android unprecedented status, a system that had over a year ago
 1 billion active users, and was installed on more than 1.6
 Device billion (according to company data Statistika) and who, according to
 forecasts from the beginning of next year exceeds the 2 billion
 system. These figures do not include equipment that uses
 Only open source version of Android, without access to services
 Google. Software for Android not only works on
 Android – work to introduce Chrome browser
 support applications of this mobile system are being completed.
 When that happens, writing software for Android will gain
 User access to the most popular browser in the world, with
 whose use has been every other surfer of this planet (data
 service StatCounter).

If all of this equipment will still Windows, it
 ironically will be able to say that in fact, Microsoft
 invented the format of universal application – and it’s called APK
 (Android Package).


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Android ahead of iOS in global income and sales – Interia

1 hr. 55 minutes ago

Within 2,014 years, users all over the world pulled more applications for Android than on iOS competitive company Apple; Google’s operating system has brought a better income – given in the report of the consulting firm Digi-Capital.

iOS is doing well, but Android wins the” scale “

/ © 123RF / Picsel

The number of clocks running Android Wear may not be large, but Google bravely update this equipment, which is available on the market. read more

These results achieved by summing up data from all online shops that sell Chinese territory and make applications for Android.

The media emphasize that in the world of mobile ecosystems there is an idea that Android leads in the outcome of downloads programs, but applications for iOS brings better profit from those sold on Google Play. This is evidenced by numerous reports including the one from last month, which developed the analyst firm App Annie. He estimated that in the first quarter of 2015 years the App Store revenues worldwide were approx. 70 percent. higher than the results of Google Play. However, the situation altered by the fact that the territory of China, there are several entities selling these applications to Google.

“Apple and Google have a completely different approach to the Chinese market. Apple ended up with the spectacular success there, and Google suffered a defeat. () Given the strength and dynamism of Chinese business, Chinese ecosystem of applications is completely different from other markets “- said the director of Digi-Capital, Tim Merel.

Despite the fact that the App Store continues to individually generate the most revenue, however, does not win the combined results of stores offering programs for Android. The most recent data show that in 2014 the first time they have reached a better result from the global Apple store.

The report points out, however, that the situation could change by the end of 2015 years. The successes achieved by Apple in China could lead to a renewed increase in sales app for iOS. (PAP)

lm / abr /


Android applications run on Windows 10? – PC World

Paul Thurrott, known observer and author of books on
 Microsoft’s products, announces on his blog that giant
 Redmond today, during the opening keynote this year
 BUILD conference, can provide information about the possibility of and
 Android applications run on devices with Windows

According to information provided by Thurrott showed that applications
 These will be able to run on any devices
, and therefore smartphones, tablets or

 android_win10_1.jpg Who knows, maybe soon Apps
 Android also run on Windows

It is very interesting that Microsoft has for the last time strongly
 promotes universal applications from the Windows Store, which also
 we will be able to run on any devices. So why such
 idea? Probably due to the fact popularity of Android and some
 tardiness Windows application developers. As we well know, in
 shop with large windows applications on Windows Phone or missing
 many successful programs and games that have long been available on
 Android. By enabling support for applications from the Play Store
 the Redmond giant solve the problem of many a disgruntled

It is difficult to say how such a move would react developers
 writing applications for Windows. For them, Microsoft’s decision may
 be a big disappointment. Indeed, after years of pressure and
 promote solutions for Windows suddenly find that developers
 However, his time could devote the Google platform, since then
 would receive a significantly greater range of customers.

Let’s wait and see. If that happens, then we, the ordinary
 Windows users, we should not for that reason any
 worries. On the contrary, the ability to run applications
 Android Windows 10 is basically the same advantages.

See also:
  Microsoft: piracy of software and video in Poland
 is a huge



Android applications run on Windows 10? – PC World

Paul Thurrott, known observer and author of books on
 Microsoft’s products, announces on his blog that giant
 Redmond today, during the opening keynote this year
 BUILD conference, can provide information about the possibility of and
 Android applications run on devices with Windows

According to information provided by Thurrott showed that applications
 These will be able to run on any devices
, and therefore smartphones, tablets or

 android_win10_1.jpg Who knows, maybe soon Apps
 Android also run on Windows

It is very interesting that Microsoft has for the last time strongly
 promotes universal applications from the Windows Store, which also
 we will be able to run on any devices. So why such
 idea? Probably due to the fact popularity of Android and some
 tardiness Windows application developers. As we well know, in
 shop with large windows applications on Windows Phone or missing
 many successful programs and games that have long been available on
 Android. By enabling support for applications from the Play Store
 the Redmond giant solve the problem of many a disgruntled

It is difficult to say how such a move would react developers
 writing applications for Windows. For them, Microsoft’s decision may
 be a big disappointment. Indeed, after years of pressure and
 promote solutions for Windows suddenly find that developers
 However, his time could devote the Google platform, since then
 would receive a significantly greater range of customers.

Let’s wait and see. If that happens, then we, the ordinary
 Windows users, we should not for that reason any
 worries. On the contrary, the ability to run applications
 Android Windows 10 is basically the same advantages.

See also:
  Microsoft: piracy of software and video in Poland
 is a huge



Kaspersky Internet Security for Android wins the award “AV … –

You are under Press Releases. Posted here materials have been developed by companies unrelated
with the editorial or Group SA. Editors is not responsible for the content of this publication.

Kaspersky Internet Security for Android has obtained excellent results in test conducted by an independent laboratory AV-Test. According to the results of the Kaspersky Lab solution, all samples were detected mobile malware, without generating a single false alarm.

The researchers focused on checking malware detection effectiveness and usefulness of the solution. According to the methodology AV-Test usability refers to the number of false alarms generated by the solution while checking clean files and the ability to act without noticeable impact on product performance and other applications. All solutions used the default settings on devices running under Google’s Android 5.0.1 and have installed the latest anti-virus databases. During testing solutions have access to the internet, and therefore may refer to their own cloud-based services.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of detection of protection has been tested on a collection of 3 077 malware samples, which were first discovered in the last four weeks. Kaspersky Internet Security for Android effectively blocked 100% of harmful applications. In terms of usability solution, Kaspersky Lab has obtained excellent results: correctly detected 1 860 applications from Google Play and has identified 924 non-infected programs from another source as harmless. In addition, during the tests, experts from AV-Test did not note a significant slowdown in operation, increased battery consumption and increase web traffic. As a result, Kaspersky Internet Security for Android scored maximum points count and distinction “Certified AV-Test.”

“Every month there are thousands of new apps for the Android operating system, but not all are safe. Tests carried out by independent researchers continually confirm that Kaspersky Lab’s technology accurately classify malicious programs and applications that you can use without fear “- said Timur Bijaczujew , Head of research into the protection against malware, Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky Internet Security for Android is part of Kaspersky Internet Security – a multi-device, multi-platform solution that protects users of Microsoft Windows, Google Android and Apple OS X against current and emerging online threats, and also provides a safe surfing the web followers mobile platforms iOS and Windows Phone.

The full results of the test carried out by the laboratory AV-Test is available on the

The information can be used freely subject to the application Kaspersky Lab as a source.

All Press Releases Kaspersky Lab Poland are available at page.


Android has finally begun to earn more on applications than Apple … – Spider’s Web

So far, the situation in the field of competition and Google Play AppStore’u clearly proven record that more does not mean better. The fact that the world is selling nearly five times more Android devices per year, and the store Play gets five times more applications does not translate into more revenue for the search giant. According to the latest report by Digi-Capital, this situation but in the end it has changed. Could it be?

According to the latest quarterly report, Apple for 2,015 years in the past months the company has not only significantly increased sales MacBooks and broke record sales of iPhones but also recorded the biggest in the history of the revenue from the Appstore.

Meanwhile, the wide-ranging report Digi-Capital shows that Google allegedly overtook a competitor this time not only in the number of sold applications, but also the income received by them. However, it appears that Google can not crack open the champagne yet, as the said report is recognized globally Play Store results and called. “Chinese markets”, and as you know, with the recent Google does not receive a penny, and the more there are no available its services.

Also, if adding the results of these two stores actually trumps in terms of value sales AppStore’u , whereas when they break down into two parts, do not have the slightest chance Apple store in terms of revenue.

 app store revenue share value

It is apparent here that Apple’s policy regarding the introduction of its services and facilities in the area of ​​China definitely paid off. A company with a bitten apple not only started selling more smartphones in China than in the United States, but also burst onto the market, where Google has not managed to set foot.

Shares of local markets with applications last year approached dangerous levels to share the official store, so Google has every reason to be discontent.

In fact, the only source of revenue for Google from the Play Store, which is slowly catching up (and even in some cases ahead) are iOS mobile games. According to the DAU-up to the 2014 years revenues from mobile games available in the Play Store tripled.

While iOS users are still those who prefer to pay for apps and extras inside them, it is estimated that the cost of advertising on Android devices are almost half price, therefore, in some cases, developers programming for the green robot earn more.

The imbalance in revenue from apps stores the two giants will certainly be gradually decreased, although in I feel until I manage to stave off rampant piracy on Android (which is a factor there many times higher than on iOS), Google can not count on the records.

* Image Home from the service Shutterstock


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mlais M7: 5.5 “HD, 3GB RAM, eight cores, Android Lollipop and more –


Mlais can not (yet?) Chinese company Xiaomi or Meizu habit, but you can see that it has a lot of potential and it depends only on whether it will use. Its newest product is pretty good promising smartphone called Mlais M7. Today we met the specifications and eventually learned how it looks.

Looking at the specifications Mlais M7 is hard not to get the impression that this would be an interesting smartphone mid-priced. Unfortunately, so far, however, was not disclosed how much money you will need to put on it, so we can only guess at what level will be determined price.

Mlais M7 is equipped with a 5.5-inch display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, Mediatek MT6752 ośmiordzeniowy 1.7GHz processor with Mali-T760, 3GB of RAM and Android 5.0 Lollipop. This combination should provide performance at a sufficiently high level and also decent working time – I wonder how it will in reality.

Among the model parameters, we find 13 Mpix camera, webcam 8 Mix, 16GB of internal memory expandable through a microSD card slotowi and battery with a capacity of 2600 mAh. What’s more, on board do not run out LTE, dual SIM and a fingerprint reader, and the whole was enclosed in a housing with dimensions of 149.5 x 76.8 x 8.9 mm.

For now, we are waiting for official information on M7 Mlais prices and release date.



Android has finally begun to make money on applications, more than Apple … – Spider’s Web

So far, the situation in the field of competition and Google Play AppStore’u clearly proven record that more does not mean better. The fact that the world is selling nearly five times more Android devices per year, and the store gets to play five times more applications does not translate into more revenue for the search giant. According to the latest report from Digi-Capital, however, this situation finally changed. Could it be?

According to the latest quarterly report for 2015 years Apple in recent months has not only significantly increased sales MacBooks and broke the record sales of iPhones but also recorded the highest in the history of the revenue from the Appstore.

Meanwhile, a comprehensive report Digi-Capital shows that Google supposedly ahead of competitor this time not only in the number of sold applications, but also the income received by them. It turns out, however, that Google can not even open the champagne, because the said report is recognized globally Play Store results, and so-called. “Chinese markets”, and as you know, with the recent Google does not receive a penny, and there are no more available its services.

Also, as far as adding the results of these two stores actually pierces the sale of value AppStore’u , whereas when you smash them into two parts, the store did not have the slightest chance of Apple in terms of revenue.

 app store revenue share value

It is apparent here that Apple’s policy regarding the introduction of its services and facilities in the area of ​​China definitely paid off. A company with a bitten apple not only began to sell more smartphones in China than in the United States, but also invaded the market, where Google has not managed to set foot.

The shares of local markets with applications last year approached dangerous levels Shop for official interest and, therefore, Google has every reason to be dissatisfied.

In fact, the only source of revenue for Google Play Store, which is slowly catching up (and even in some cases ahead) are iOS mobile games. According to the DAU-up over 2014 years revenue from mobile games available on the Play Store tripled.

While iOS users are still those who are willing to pay for apps and accessories inside them, it is estimated that the cost of advertising on Android devices are nearly half price, therefore, in some cases, developers programming for the green robot earn more.

The imbalance in revenue from apps stores two giants will certainly be gradually decreased, although in I feel that as long as you can not stave off rampant piracy on Android (which is a factor there many times higher than on iOS), Google can not count on the records.

* Image Home from website Shutterstock


Analysts: Android ahead of iOS – Pulse of Business

These results achieved by aggregating data from all online shops that sell Chinese territory and make it available for Android applications.

Media emphasize that in the world of mobile ecosystems, there is the idea that Android leads in the results of downloads programs but applications for iOS brings better profit from those sold on Google Play. This is evidenced by the numerous reports in the last month, which developed the analyst firm App Annie. Estimated that in the first quarter of 2015 years the App Store revenues worldwide were approx. 70 percent. higher than the results of Google Play. However, the situation altered by the fact that the territory of China, there are several entities selling these applications to Google.

“Apple and Google have a completely different approach to the Chinese market. Apple ended up with the spectacular success there, and Google suffered defeat. (…) Given the strength and dynamism of Chinese business, Chinese app ecosystem is completely different from other markets, “- said the director of Digi-Capital Tim Merel.

Although the App Store continues to individually generate the most money it does not wins the combined results of the shops offering programs for Android. The latest figures show that in 2014, the first time they have reached a better result from the global Apple store.

The report points out, however, that the situation could change at the end of 2015. By the success of Apple in China may lead to a renewed increase in sales of iOS applications.


Monday, April 27, 2015

Sleep as Android: Make sure you sleep that effort was not wasted – dobreprogramy

When you plan the training and equip yourself with the right accessories, we can start to exercise. After them, you should rest, and it is an important component of sleep. In this case, too, find the right mobile application that will help us to achieve the best results. With Sleep as Android alarm clock will become much more than just a morning nightmare.

The program is very powerful, but its basic functionality does not require extensive knowledge, or change dozens of settings. The whole is divided into five main tabs, the most important of these is, of course, an alarm clock and alarm management. In each of them, in addition to the alarm time, we can choose the period of repetition, the label representing the name is easy to remember, and the beep. Online applications will find a few notes, which are designed to calm waking up and nothing like an emergency, such as alarms. Chirping of birds, the sound of the sea, crickets, spring storm, or a mountain stream.

Sleep as Android allows for a gradual increase in the volume that the sound was not treated by the body as a sign of a sudden threat, as well as the launch of the so-called. smart range of sleep – with this option, your phone or tablet wake us a little bit faster configured by the user in the field, and at the same time in a random way. If getting a problem, the application may require additional confirmation from the user, eg. The fulfillment of a mathematical problem, shake your phone, or use NFC to turn it off. Everything can be set and match to suit your habits, your phone may get so solidly in signs and prevent a return to bed.

The second tab is the recording of sleep and its analysis. Application reiterates the need to lie down to sleep, and when the phone is in the vicinity of the body to record sounds. In this way it is able to answer the question of how long we sleep in the individual phases, and what sounds We issue when we sleep. Here we find even monitor snoring – the program can detect, and then perform a specific action (vibration, soft sound), we woke up not so much as touched and escaped snoring. The help falling asleep while the “lullaby”, which consists of the sounds of nature.

In the application, you will also find statistics sleep. By configuring the application, we can choose the optimal length – you have to rely on their experience and knowledge of the body, the program is not a doctor and do not tell us how much we need to sleep in order to feel good – we successively held accountable for how we treat sleep. Sleep as Android will remind you of all debetach and will require their ODESP, statistics also show us how deep sleep lasted. Own data can be compared to information from other users. This type of statistics used in the long term can increase the regularity of sleep, and thus, improve our metabolism and get rid of the unpleasant fatigue much better than coffee.

On the possibilities of the program is not the end. Detection of deep sleep phases can be used to experiment with lucid dream when the application every time he plays the sound, allowing you to see it so we have to do is dreams. Saved stats can be sent as part of the backup to the cloud web (including Google Drive and Dropbox). In addition, the program allows integration with smartwatchami and intelligent lighting system. If all these features have proven to be insufficient for us, we can take from the additions installed applications and features integration with some other programs like. Twilight.

You should test Sleep as Android and see how our dream, and how we can improve it. The application is available in the Polish language. The basic version does not require any fees. In order to unlock all the features or the elimination of their time constraints, it is necessary to unlock the full version, which costs 13,49 zł. The program can be found already in the database of our site.


Android – Voice instead of the password protection is it safe? –

According to media reports and reports, which expanded to include specialists Bitdefender Mobile Security, some users of Android phones have noticed that introduced a new service to their phones. It seems that with the voice will be able to unlock your phone using the words “Ok Google”.

 This is not the first time that Google proposes Android phone users to unlock new methods of their devices without the need to go through the “trouble”, which is to enter a PIN or swiping your finger across the screen to enter the pattern or password.

             Android version 5.0 Lollipop has already introduced the “Trusted face” (which was supposed to be in order to recognize your face), “Trusted Devices” (which enabled device lock only for the establishment of a trusted Bluetooth device located in the vicinity), “Trusted site “(meaning that the phone is always unlocked when you are eg. at home or in the office, does not translate into more situations where we have a jealous partner or confidential business information). Google the latest inventions, a “trusted voice” that using voice recognition module verifies our identity. Run the application gives us the possibility of using the command “Ok Google” to unlock the device without asking for a password or PIN to our device.

always remain, however, concerns about the safety of this solution, which also recognized Google, by displaying a prompt, as soon as the voice unlock is enabled.

 “Ok Google” Trusted voice is less secure than a pattern, PIN or password. Someone with a similar voice or a recording of your voice can unlock your device

This is less secure than a pattern? Some of us have escaped a kilometer reading this warning.

Sure, it’s a very pleasant feeling (some may remind us of the television series Star Trek) have an Android device that unlocks using a voice command. You can already imagine all those gadgets geeks showing off to his new cool toy. This type of protection, however, you will not find on the list of potential functions to protect the most important devices and access protection in financial institutions.

It’s a matter of time before we find ourselves in an era in which smartphones they shall hold the most valuable information for us, precious photos, confidential projects work, private correspondence. Do you really care about exposing this data to the potential danger in the form of a person who may already be in possession of recordings of our voice?

We can not imagine also that many companies can feel comfortable with a potentially precarious privacy of this type. It would be advisable for them even blocking this type functions in order to enhance the security level. The truth is that the “Trusted Voice” has nothing to do with the safety and security of our device, but with the convenience of its use.

If the application is not able to properly distinguish between someone imitating your voice and manner of speech, or record your voice (which appears in the communication that can take place this type of situation) we should not in run at all. According to experts from the company Bitdefender best to protect the phone (SIM card), your special PIN, in addition to using a security lock screen (PIN, pattern). If you really afraid of leakage at the theft of our data, you can use the Anti-Theft, which is part of Bitdefender Mobile Security Antivirus Security. It allows in case of theft not only lock the phone, but also to locate it on the map and in the last resort to clear all private data.

You may think that this type of application will appeal to persons holding a lazy attitude to security, we also bring to your phone. This refers to the people who have the same passwords and PINs used to protect a variety of platforms, because they do not like to do myself “trouble” introducing others. But if it does not look “Trusted voice” for these users may be better than nothing.

Source: Marken Anti-virus systems



Friday, April 24, 2015

Joke on Google Maps. Android peeing on Apple (updated) – Computer World

Google has often mocked up with Apple. The latest joke
 Company recognized in maps from Mountain View. Where exactly? The
 a location spaced 33 ° 30’52.5 “north latitude
 and 73 ° 03’33.2 “east longitude. It is around the city
 Rawalpindi in the northern part of Pakistan.

You will find here the graphic you see below. Yes, it’s
 other than Android reflected a urine on the Apple logo .
 If you want to see it on Google maps you have to go here.

sik.jpg This image can be found on maps
 Google in Pakistan

Switch on satellite maps make that that joke
 disappears. What do you think of this joke? Successful or rather


It turns out that the image was created by one of
 users map and has been reported by using the Google Map
 Maker. Google does not know how it could be accepted. Graphics
 will be removed soon.

“See also: Issued Windows 93. Try it for free now

Source: PhoneArena


Android pissing on Apple momentarily disappear from Google Maps – Spider’s Web

With the speed of light spreading across the social networks link to Google Maps, which can be seen on Android – Google’s operating system symbol – pissing on the bitten apple – Apple logo.

This link causes a sensation in the network. Green symbolizing little robot Android pissing on Apple logo became a hit, which rapidly spreads in social networks.


Why is he there? We asked Google about it directly, and the answer to our question came quickly:

Sorry, this is our setback! :) This was achieved by the clever use of Google Map Maker. Error already removed, the changes will go to Google Maps within a few hours – explained in an interview with Spider’s Web Piotr Zalewski of Google.

Google Map Maker allows you to apply the suggested amendments to the maps. In this particular case we are dealing with probably a joke one of the users (or groups of users), who decided to mock ourselves with Apple and posted on the maps change as the above graphic. Proposition map updates had to be accepted by others with a sense of humor, and thus pissing robot went to Google Maps.

Peter Zalewski of Google apologized for the mishap and informed us that in a few hours after the joke is no longer trace. Therefore, if you want to see on Google Maps Android pissing on Apple logo with your own eyes, then you have to hurry up and look here.

Update: Effect joke has not disappeared from Google Maps. What’s more, readers Spider’s Web hints that in the woods next to pissing Android was an additional notice placed by pranksters (link).

