64 percent of the global smartphone market in the first quarter of this year – is the result of Android that gives mobile operating system Google to label “new Windows”. Meanwhile, the real from the Microsoft Windows Mobile market is slowly gaining more percentage points decline podgryzaj?c position rivals – BlackBerry OS and Symbian.
yet but it is the world of Android, at least not everywhere. According to research conducted by Kantar Worldpanel Comtech, tracking phone sales in key markets, the last bastions of resistance against small green robocikami are the United States and Japan. The U.S. market is still Google’s system could not take more than 50 percent of the market (to 49.3 per cent.). It is, however, probably soon change: in a year where Android has strengthened its position by 1.4 percentage points., While chief rival, iOS, lost 0.9 percentage points. In this respect, Japan is much more faithful to the apple – there iOS dominates the market, with the share of 49.2 percent, while Android has to settle for 45.8 percent.
But there are also countries where virtually nothing on the Android market does not find it. They are led by Spain, which Android actually became the new Windows – 93.5% of smartphones sold there is no system of Google. The strong position of the system is also in Germany (73.6 per cent.) And China (69.4 percent).. Analysts point out that the triumph of Android does not depend on the state of the economy, phone manufacturers, the OS-I deal in both markets in crisis (Spain), stable markets (Germany) and emerging markets (China).
Moreover, there is no indication that this trend has to be reversed. New models from HTC (One) and Samsung (Galaxy S4) to give momentum to the entire Android platform. In this situation, says Dominic Sunnebo of Kantar Worldpanel Comtech, Apple, Nokia and BlackBerry waiting for a fight to keep their products in front of customers’ eyes despite the marketing offensive giants in Korea and Taiwan.
So far, neither Apple nor Blackberry have a curious situation. Even the iPhone 5 release did not help (even though it is the best-selling smartphone model) – iOS lost since last year on the global average of 2 percentage points of share. The BlackBerry, despite the launch of BB10, the shares are still modest. New phones have allowed a Canadian company to increase the global share by only 0.2 percentage points., To 0.9 percent. Apparently strategy Android manufacturers (especially Samsung), which consists of filling the market a huge number of different phone models, it works better than trying to sell to anyone apple’owe freely-looking phone, provided the phone will look like the iPhone 5
About Symbian, there is nothing to say – dying in all markets. The only one who can change this situation, whatever it is Windows Phone. In the shadow of the triumphs Android gets a modest but solid shares, at an average of 5-6 per cent, and although there are countries such as Italy, where Windows Phone is now 10 percent of the market. Analysts explain this state of affairs Nokia’s marketing efforts, today the main supplier in the smartphone market with Windows. The Finnish company has set about selling to people who have never had a smartphone, all the affordable and colorful Lumie hitting most of the people already benefiting from an ordinary cell.
Is such a market there is room for other mobile OSes? For your chance to enjoy Firefox OS, Tizen, Sailfish … and even Ubuntu Phone. Year 2013 will show if anyone is able to reduce the expansion of Android. One thing is for certain – even if Microsoft fails to make this trick with your Windows Phone, it would benefit from the expansion of Android. Currently, about 80 percent of Android device manufacturers sold in the U.S. (except Motorola) has agreed to pay Redmond for protection against a possible lawsuit for the use of patented technology in their phones: with every camera sold with Android to Microsoft gets a few dollars.