system Android offers a wealth of applications that are implicitly simplify and speed up text entry, for example, when writing an SMS. The problem is that each predictive text engine, such as SwiftKey or Swype is dependent on Polish dictionary, which greatly reduces the number of available characters per message. Here is a tutorial that will show you how to write with a dictionary SMS , but without Polish characters accents.
Samsung and Sony with the bonus
first want to point out that the method we describe below is universal and fits any (newer) version of Android, and each manufacturer, including Nexuses. But it has no particular use for the devices from Samsung and Sony. Why? Both manufacturers have in their overlays its own method of disposal Polish diacritics, so you do not have to play in an external way.
For clarity, I will add that the Samsung option is hidden from the options -> character input mode -> where Unicode, change to GSM.
for Sony from the options is saving option that works in exactly the same way.
method to the lack of Polish characters
To be able to fully use the keyboard SwiftKey or Swype (with auto correction and prediction of the next word), without worrying about the Polish characters will need to install an external manager messages. The Google Play store, there are two notable apps – Go SMS Pro and Handcent. For the purposes of the following guidance (and in everyday use) took the Go SMS Pro.
Step zero: Make sure that the dedicated keypad is installed on Go SMS Pro, or options, change the default input mode, and select a new keyboard, as well as Polish and Polish dictionary.
Step one: the main window to start a small box hidden option in the bottom right corner, and then select Settings.
Step two: in the settings, locate the entry Sending options.
Step three: in the options sent to find and enable the Enable local support.
Voilla. When sending messages, the program will automatically remove any stalks and replace Polish characters their international counterparts.
As you can see in the screenshot above – counter does not include Unicode characters, leaving an 160, instead of 70 characters. One last thing, this method has been tested on Nexus 4 with Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Key applications Swift and Go SMS Pro.
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