Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Virus attacks Android smartphones - Gazeta Wyborcza

 HTC smartphone that uses the Android

HTC smartphone that uses the Android ( Photo. AP)

– A malicious program that allowed the criminals to force the infected smartphone to send SMS messages to premium numbers and downloading programs targeting devices with Android operating system. Another phone “infected” by the Bluetooth – experts warn of dealing with anti-virus software company Kaspersky Lab.

program called Obad and is difficult to detect by the affected person. Pretends to be useful but actually install applications that allow cybercriminals to gain the information stored on the device without the knowledge of their owners.

Obad uses a previously unknown bug in Android that allows malicious applications to gain root privileges. What is not visible in the list of installed programs, so removing it is not possible using conventional methods. Malicious software after the administrative authority shall inform the cybercriminal, sending a message to a special server to indicate such called the telephone company, telephone number, account balance. From this point the attacker can remotely issue commands your phone without your knowledge or consent of the owner.

According to Kaspersky Lab experts note the lock phone screen for about 10 seconds when you activate the Bluetooth connection or connect to an open network wi -fi. During this apparent inactivity Trojan attempts to attack all devices within the infected smartphone. An additional sign of infection may be a message about the failure to obtain root privileges.

The virus also written by experts from Symantec competitive. Describe the effects of the virus in the same way, however, classify it as a harmless and easy to remove.

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