In November, Samsung launched the process share holders of smartphones Galaxy S III update the operating system Google Android version of “Jelly Bean” 4.3. It turned out that the new software caused crashes equipment, errors in applications management problems RAM and large charging batteries. Two weeks after the start of the distribution of the update, Samsung withdrew it. It was not the end, because a week later many of the problems began to report the holders of smartphones Galaxy S4, for which also issued an update to Android version 4.3. So far, one of the U.S. mobile operators stopped distributing updates.
Samsung probably heavily focused on the job, trying to eliminate the scourge of the problems in these updates, but the company also is preparing subsequent updates to their mobile devices. As reported iTechAddict, a service based on unofficial source at the Indian R & D department of Samsung, there is already a document with the schedule. Thanks to him we learn when Samsung plans issuing an update to the Android version of “KitKat” 4.4 for the four products of the highest segments.
schedule that Samsung’s first devices that will receive “KitKat” will be the Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 For them, the update should be expected in January next year. Holders of the Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note 2 will have to be patient, because for them the Android “KitKat” 4.4, with the release of Samsung, which is available to be in March or April 2014.
Last week, HTC has revealed that “KitKat” They will make available for smartphones by the end of January next year. Relevant updates for certain devices Nexus began to appear two weeks ago. It is worth noting that the Nexus One certainly does not get updated, and that is the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Although the model has only two years, but the smartphone has already fallen outside the time frame of support of Google, as it has more than 18 months, and just by the time Google provides support in the form of a software update for Nexusów. So far Google has not given be persuaded to change this decision despite the fact that the matter was even touted by a special petition, which contained a request to Google is to ensure the update to Android 4.4 for this device.
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first generation Galaxy S had a relatively easy life and job, because rivals were often late, underdeveloped or simply weaker and more expensive. As a result, the first three “eski” stormed the smartphone market and odkr?ci?y cock, which sailed stream of money, having an outlet in the pockets of satisfied Koreans. However idyll is over and this year the competition is much better prepared for an offensive Samsung HTC reminded myself how to do mobile, and Sony noticed that sometimes people buy gadgets that cost more than 2000 z?. How the Samsung Galaxy S4 cope with this new situation?
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testing the first Samsung Galaxy Note, wondering if it’s still a smartphone, tablet or rather longer, and we could not unambiguously classify it. Apparently we were not alone: ??after some time, someone decided that this type of equipment worthy of a new drawer. This is how the name phablet , which is a plywood English words phone (‘phone’) and tablet . We had to come up with something, because the experiment Samsung became a great success, which initially was not expected.
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