zanaby?em by purchase on the european version of the previous thread … I concluded that I can install it on up to 3 devices .. and here pytanko – do it using the same key?
and how to move the map on the memory card? – Xperia m from stockowym andkem 4.3
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I bought from two years ago and the phones I had at the time with 20 .. Installs a new Apke the store, used to login to the My Sygic and all gitarka, that fetches out what you need and work. Even I did not know that there are any limits to the amount of devices – was supposed to be for life, and for me at least, is
What to move it, copy the entire directory Sygic from your old phone and upload the new / new card – everything will operate. I’ve done even a myk BlackBerry Z30.
The kids of today should defend themselves against the seventies …
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