Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MapaMap Android 8.5. Avoid traffic jams can be tested for 7 days – Auto World

Popular Polish program finally enriched with real traffic jam avoidance system based on constantly updated information. As well as a new feature in the latest version of the program can be tested free of charge throughout the week.

Until recently, the popular Polish navigation program was not very useful for those drivers who appreciate constantly updated information about the situation on the road. Introduced download feature significantly resolved GDDKIA messages competition. MapaMap not have access to regularly updated information about the traffic. Until now. With the launch of the latest version 8.5, a number of useful solutions. Among them, a system of “anti-cork”. What is its function?

MapaMap can download from the internet regularly updated traffic data and any difficulties. Data from program users and applications RadarStop navigation, fleet monitoring system as well as directly from GDDKIA yet. Thus, the program finally gained the ability to routing without major congestion. However, as competition requires a constant connection to the internet. Do existing users of the program are already ready for it? At current prices data transfer should not be any problem. At least in financial terms.

Data about traffic jams like the whole program can be tested without charge for 7 days. On the test system, users can take advantage of the Android platform version. Just download from the Google Play store file with the program, install and use the free period. As soon as it will be seven days of tests, you can extend the use of the application. Then has a choice of several options: a 30-day license, annual and perpetual. As part of the perpetual license includes unlimited free update maps and data traffic problems ahead. For a lifetime Life Time Maps version then you need to pay only 99 zł. In the case of an annual license price is 49 zł. For a monthly fee but you have to spend 9 zł. Temporary license at the same time means that the program can only be used for a designated period of time. If, after an active period of the license will not be renewed, then you can not continue to use the application.

With the launch of the new version Imagis also released the latest map pack. The most recent version is marked 2014Q4. It contains much more data than three months ago variant. Within one update added up 3.4 million addresses. That’s a lot. By enriching the address directory already includes 7.2 million points of the address.

At the beginning of the new version of MapaMap is only available for users of Android devices. Imagis declares that the preparation is also a version for iOS hardware. But does not specify the date of release.


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