Friday, January 16, 2015

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus global success of Apple. Android loses market – Virtual Poland

  Forbes and analyst firm Kantar Worldplanet estimate based on the analysis of global sales, the new generation of the iPhone – 6 and 6 Plus – success. For the first time in favor of the iOS decreased market share in Europe and
 American competitive Android. Analysts estimate that the change in trend is m. In. the result of the introduction of the Apple devices with larger screens.

 Apple’s long slow to offer an introduction to their smartphones with large screens, but – according to analysts – paradoxically, it is allowed Apple to design smartphones that are ahead of the competition in many respects.

 “The big iPhone users have been waiting for a long time. Changing the size of this effect is not only tracking market trends, but also listen to the expectations of our customers. More space on screens means more opportunities for content consumption – more developers can offer users, which is simply more comfortable with a large screen. The larger screen is also, paradoxically, the possibility of a larger battery, so two days of work that’s not a problem for the iPhone 6 “- explains the PAP editor in chief” iMagazine “Dominik Lada.

 United Kingdom reported a decrease in sales of Android devices by nearly 7 per cent., While increasing the share of the smartphone market Apple more than 12 percent. In the US, the iPhone 6 was the best selling smartphone in the period from September to November (19 per cent. Of all devices sold in this segment). In China, the Cupertino company recorded an increase of only 1.1 percent.

 Apple and Google are fighting for dominance in the market for mobile systems since 2008. Fred Vogelstein, the author analyzes the iOS and Android competition, said the struggle of the two companies should be evaluated as the largest startup business giants of our time. Vogelstein adds that in the coming years, most consumed by us of information (news, entertainment, communication) will be available on platforms that are affiliated or owned by Apple or Google.

 Neil Cybart, an analyst with Above Avalon, says that with the expansion of the company’s offer of additional services and devices – especially the new generations of iPads and iPhones, but also about Apple Pay, Beats Music, Car Play, Apple Watch, the company can catch up with Android and under favorable circumstances, to regain US market leader.


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