I believe in God. I am almost convinced that it is there somewhere and overwhelmed by what we have here the expedition. But I do not go to church.
For a long time I do not go to church. I do not know why. Maybe it’s because there is a terribly boring, and the atmosphere is not conducive to experiencing what we really think and feel.
It reaches me by the priest, which is better suited to climates Game of Thrones than the times in which Man explores Mars and debating over whether Pluto, which passed the probe sent from Earth is a planet or not.
I do not go to church, but do not bother me in believing in God. Because God is like Android – everyone is different. His.
I was in the church
I got an invitation to the wedding. So I went to a church that visit usually just at weddings or funerals. Probably soon come to that yet baptisms and communions holy, because I am already old enough friends were sharply for reproduction.
As it was in the church? Apart from the honor associated with the wedding, terribly boring. First someone something to read, without conviction, without faith in the words which he utters. No sense. I do not know if it was an altar boy, or a woman, because every voice in the audio system used in that church sounded pretty much the same.
Then he told the priest. He talked about marriage. He talked about how marriage should be savored. How do we discover its secrets. Because marriage is a mystery (Greek mystery ) – he said.
In all cool. I have only one but … Why this should look like marriage says someone who unfortunately does not have the faintest idea? Someone film-schooled in this topic probably another guy who also practice in matrimonial matters he?
I’m sorry Lord Father, but you must understand that you are not for me no authority in this matter.
I might as well hear from thick idler who sits in sweat pants stained with pizza sauce, advice for mountain biking. Poster can and can tell interesting, but their knowledge drew only one book of travel, so this is not too good authority. To pass the time I could hear him, but I certainly would not treat him as a mentor in matters related to the preparation of the mountain expedition.
A priest? A priest gives advice before enjoying the road called marriage. The road, which he read in a single, publicly accessible book. The book, which is the most popular book in the world.
A little weak.
Of course concerned specifically the Catholic Church, because some sects of Christianity priests have wives. These priests probably have experience of running a family and raising children, and perhaps it is so rich that they can confidently advise faithful in those topics. However, my priest experiences he had, so advice on marriage, which fell out of his mouth, had little power.
God as Android
Looking at the graphs showing the current state of fragmentation of Android, we see good mess. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to various versions of Android are still manufacturers and graphic overlays launchery third parties.
As a result, almost every Android is different. I use Google Now, and you do not. I’ve Keep, and you Evernote. I prefer Chrome and Firefox you. I have a keyboard SwiftKey, and you this from Google. And that’s just a few differences associated with our smartphones.
The differences are many, but the layman, and so to say that they both use the Android.
For me, the same is with God. Only someone who is not “in” can say that God is one and the same for all, and the rules that govern it should look like faith, come from a textbook.
Sorry , but no. My God is different from yours. Or I see him differently than you do.
In the matter of belief I distinguish basically three concepts: God, religion and the Church. God is God, you know. Religion is a set of basic principles that everyone should interpret in their own way. At least I think so. Third place is the Church, which is the body that tells me how I interpret religion, the Bible, etc.
With this interpretation is generally we have a problem and it resembles the Polish education system. In American schools, teacher asks the student to understand a poem, a youngster trying to convince him to his opinion. The Polish school is different. The teacher has a program, and the program is interpretation. If the student understand different track, he gets number one. End of subject.
This sick situation that kills creativity and is contrary to the fundamental principles and rights – such as freedom of speech, or free will.
The church is backward like a Polish school. Very important people decide what is allowed, what should be what you need, what is not allowed. They decide how I think and how I interpret the Bible, and decide for me what is important. They tell me what rules you should follow.
In this context, always reminds me of a situation in which Wislawa Szymborska was asked to interpret his own line. By the standards of the Polish education system failed her test. Why? Because I interpreted it differently than a teacher.
So I am trying to work the Church. I’m sorry, but I do not agree on. A good man can be in a thousand ways. The church may indicate certain norms and behavior, but should not impose them, and absolutely require the faithful. The world is not zero-one, just as there is only one right way through life.
Of course the Church take place some changes, and basically trying to set. We have eg. A very progressive, brave and modern Pope. The only problem is that not all very important people (old-fashioned) want to hear it.
Returning to the concepts of technology – the situation of the Catholic Church looks like Android update process. Google initiates some changes, responds to the needs of users, but manufacturers of equipment not in a hurry for updates smartphones. Through their attitude and lack of will to act many customers never uświadczy the latest changes.
Just like in the Church. The archdioceses, dioceses, parishes.
Church like Facebook
Once there was such a concept as “Web 2.0,” which symbolized the revolution on the Web. As a result of these changes we created a completely new Internet. Internet (co-) created by the existing readers. The Internet, for whose appearance and shape do not correspond to the editorial, but users. We quickly understood that this is the future. Quickly noticed and appreciated the new opportunities.
Meanwhile, the church has been left behind. There still is the same, one priest, who helps altar. That’s it. They read one book to change and nothing changes.
Rites do not change. If you were in the church as a kid, and later at the age of several decades, it notes that in the Church time stood still. This place bypasses technological progress, despite new and attractive for the customer media. There is also shifting language, prayers, translation of scripture … Their style is for many people completely incomprehensible, so the message can not reach, especially for a young man.
I looked around the church during Mass, and I saw, that for people it was a hassle. Especially for children. And I do not think it should be.
Catholics repeat formulas, but do not realize the sense of their importance, the media posed. Believers are based on muscle memory and over the years pat mindlessly words that they once driven through the head. And if so prayer in your own words? It’s hard, huh? Oh well, because despite the fact that the Church allows this form of prayer, it does not teach us how to do it.
The church should be a modern, adapted to current realities, to the current language, the current problems, the current issues which people live. What we have instead? Reading and translation of Biblical events at the level of those times. And as it moved to the present day? And as the old, often divorced from the reality of today learn to apply in your life?
The church should be open to the voice and opinions of the faithful and those less faithful. Those who have doubts.
Because of how a man with doubts is to convince the priest, who constantly repeats over and over the same thing? Which reads the years the same passages of the Bible? But if the form is not reached to someone for many years, it is a chance that for the thousandth reading of the Bible finally arrives, it is small. Here you need a teacher, a mentor, not a teacher.
I wish the church was created by the community. To a person with experience could have on his forum to share their thoughts.
The Church should be like Facebook, or blogging platform.
Everyone should have the opportunity to talk online with others. Of course, we would require some moderation, eg. In the form of consultations with the priest themes and direction of the discussion. Saying that the church is to be like Facebook, I mean, to draw from it what is best and not the worst.
In the Catholic Church parishes often work associations which may have Salk parish made available for the faithful. But this is not a small opening to the voice of the faithful. Pushing people who have something to say, or who wish to listen to a small room in the basement, there is a solution. This church should be open to the voice of the faithful at Mass that we should talk about. And do not meet small groups in the cellars. In the end we are talking about the most popular religions in the world, and not about illegal meetings of the underground state.
I believe that the speech concerning advice for the young couple would be better and more credible if he told her someone who has a family and such . coped with the problems that can touch me. Such glad I listened.
Similarly advice on problems faced by the faithful. We have about refugees? We are afraid of them? So why in the church could not appear someone who knows the culture, which fear the faithful? Anyone who tells you how it is, and it will be knowledge based on their own experience, and not acquired by reading a book. Maybe even a missionary priest, but the priest who all his life sat on the parish in Pcim Dolny, and Islam knows only of lectures religious studies at the seminary.
Church 2.0
Last we heard that all tech companies are trying to be. Ladybug wants to be tech, pharmacy wants to be tech, everyone wants to be tech. Because tech is fit for the modern world. Tech means it is up to date and is able to cope with all the problems.
The church also should be tech. And I do not mean only the introduction of payment cards and smartphones, “a victim”. You need something more. Maybe modern projectors, it can functional websites, can the mobile application can confession online. Since Pope Francis booking at World Youth Day with the iPad, I believe that most priests will handle multimedia devices that enrich form of communication during Mass.
You need to take advantage of the possibilities offered by new technologies. You have to adapt your language and communication so as to be understood by all. You have to introduce the Church into modernity.
Of course, tradition is important, both for the Church and for the faithful. But you can not pretend that the world stands on the site and in a strange twist of fate progress bypasses such an important issue, which is faith.
I am also concerned that in the modern world at the same tradition far you will not get.
* Graphics: Shutterstock
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