Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Explained: Android completely private – CHIP

Android is the most popular mobile operating system. As many as 85 per cent. currently sold throughout the world of smartphones running under his control. The use of Android is associated, however, with the consent of a kind of infiltration. Google constantly active services collect much information about you: what you looking for where it is, as it moves, who to contact, is working on what you are buying and much more. It’s hard not to recognize such surveillance – even assuming that it is conducted in good faith, in order to improve the provision of online services – as a threat to privacy. In addition, many manufacturers of smartphones installs its own, often unnecessary software, which in its standard configuration is automatically activated when you turn on the device. This “bloatware” charged memory, resulting in a decrease in hardware performance. A normal user can not remove from the system software of Google or mentioned “bloatware’u” added by the manufacturer. At most, you disable such software, but still it is installed.

There is a panacea for this: one of the alternatives allowing for a substantial depletion of undue database programming Mobile on your smartphone and increasing the level of privacy is the solution coming from the world of Open Source – the repository of F-Droid, which is kind of the equivalent of the Google Play store, so it contains only free and open source software. You also can not skip the stage associated with replacing the contents of the standard ROM smartphone and mobile system to replace its modified version. This is not an action that could be considered as a simple cliché, but the most feasible. The author of this publication he successfully uses this “odguglowanego” mobile system for many weeks and found no reason to be forced to return to the default settings factory Android version.

Free applications without Google

First, turn off the application from Google Apps. The Android system settings module call “Applications”, then select the programs of Google and for each of them and select the “Force stop”. Installing applications outside the Google Play store requires a change default settings. In the module, “Security,” check the box next to “Unknown sources”. You will also need any file manager for Android. We recommend the program ASTRO File Manager with Cloud.

1. Installation and use of the F-Droid

Download from f-droid.org parcel FDroid.apk and save it on your hard disk. Then connect your phone to the computer (eg. Via USB cable) and transfer the downloaded file to the memory card in your phone. Smartphone must be connected to a computer USB storage mode. Run the file manager on the phone, then locate the copied card FDroid.apk file, open it, install and run. When you first start the application downloads a list of available software (1a). Installing F-Droid is the same as in the case of Google Play. You can select an application from the list, or search its name using the built in search engine F-Droid – after selecting the program displays a description (1b). To download and install the desired application, tap the “+” and then select “Installer Package” and “Install”. F-Droid daily checks for available updates for all downloaded and installed from the repository application. To save on data transfer from mobile phone networks in the program settings point to “WiFi only”.

2. Google Chrome instead of Firefox

Instead of the standard browser on Android, which Google Chrome, you can use the mobile version of Mozilla Firefox. It is downloadable in both official Google Play store, as well as the F-Droid repository. Once you install the browser, remember also an alternative web browser. Instead, Google can turn to an alternative available at
duckduckgo.com. Search DuckDuckGo very restrictive in its approach to privacy. Network will not and nothing but sent asking or phrase search.

3. Comfortable mailer
Mailer K-9 Mail is a tool in our opinion, more convenient and more useful both from the standard Android email client and the corresponding software available in a modified version of the system – CyanogenMod. Configure the new account in the K-9 makes it easy wizard supports automatic settings for mail sent from the server. And you can always adjust the account parameters manually.

4. Free maps, also offline

Open source software can not be matched, neither in terms of accuracy, or the wealth of data (maps, satellite images, advanced address search, navigation with voice prompts) standard software Google Maps. This does not mean, however, that the lack of any alternatives. An example would be OsmAnd ~ which is a client application for a service Open- StreetMap
– free map of the world with an open license.

5. Another point of installation programs
F-Droid is not the only independent software repository for the Android platform. APK packages are also available from many popular Web services. There is also the possibility of installing
many applications available on Google Play without official Google store. An example of a tool for anonymous download many programs APK Downloader is (http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/). Just copy the Google Play Store link you to an interesting application, then paste it in the box that appears on the site APK Downloader and generate a link to anonymously download APK.


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