Suffice it to recall some recent versions of Android that it was already clear about what this game is all about. We had, therefore, a variation called Ice Cream Sandwich (ice), then Jelly Bean (filled candy żelkowym), KitKat (candy bar) Lollipop (lollipop), and recently Marshmallow (foam). Or – if you prefer different – we had a variety of Android 4.0, then 4.1-4.3, then 4.4, 5.0-5.1, and now 6.0. And one and the other form of naming is understandable and acceptable, but as far as numbering is considerably more precise (actually appear there even third decimal), whereas everyone admits that raises more sympathy naming słodkościowe. What indeed probably specom Google marketing was – finally harder to complain about the system, which we call the sweet chocolate foam or all the bars …
Currently, we are approaching now to launch Android version of the N, which some – prematurely – have already begun to develop in a word Nutella. Meanwhile, Google has only recently started to ask users of Google Opinion Rewards (free apka, where in exchange for issuing an opinion can gain credit for the Play Store), which develop the letters N seems to them nicest.
The questions are two: the first authorizes the any proposals, while the second is already voting for a list of options specified by Google. And here curiosity – is not among them the names of Nutella, which may (but not necessarily) indicate that unhealthy lubricant for children containing harmful palm oil is not much chance for promotion on the occasion of the introduction of the new Android.In the list of options there are for other sweet delights such as napoleon (chocolate cake), nougat, but also – not associated with sweets – nachos. And what name would you choose or zaproponowalibyście you? Android Napoleon sounds proud, do not you think? ; -)
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