Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Android Things – Google unveils new operating system – dobreprogramy

Google just introduced its new operating system, Android Things. After the PC (Chrome OS), smart phone (Andorid), televisions (Android TV) or smartwatchach (Android Wear), the time to something much smaller. System with the green robot gets on one class of devices which find application in the Internet of Things.

on the technical side, Things Android is an operating system is very new and is, in principle, a new brand for the Project, Brillo, on which work was identified during last year’s Google I/O conference in late may, it was reported, however, that Google doesn’t seriously keen on Internet of Things and Android Things is tangible proof

Things Android is designed for devices with small amount of memory and constructed on the basis of Android. Software for this operating system is created using the same tools as in the case of the standard Android: Android Studio, the SDK uses Google Services and – especially important in applications of the Internet of Things – Google Cloud Platform.

r e k l a m a

to Start working with Android Things today, as part of testing for developers. On the website Android-Things you can find instructions on how to run the system on computers jednopłytkowych available instructions for Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison and NXP Pico.MX6UL. Of course, along with the growing interest of developers, and it can be taken for granted, the number of platforms will increase.

Android Things like Brillo, can communicate with other devices using Bluetooth low energy and Wi-Fi however can not forget about one of the most interesting Design elements Brillo, i.e. the Protocol of the Weave, which was also Android Things.

Weave is the author of the communication standard Google which not only allows you to communicate devices (today Weave service incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps Philips Hue, or the device Samsung SmartThings), the connection to the cloud, but also to additional devices of consumers, such as smart phones, track IoT-mobile-cloud. Details about Android Things, documentation and instructions can be found on the Google developers site.


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