Thursday, February 9, 2017

The fragmentation of Android without any changes. Nougat is still just for the elite – Pay’s Web

a Lot of people complain about the media bias, although I wonder if there’s any environment that is not generally biased.

Maybe, as the medium of sport indicates the result of the match, it does not discriminate. But as it takes over the led, it starts to be. Because “early” is only the opinion issued, for example, on the basis of possession, that nothing shows (cc: @Guardiola).

Prejudice can manifest itself not only in content but also in form or selection criterion publications, which clearly precipitated out of hand the arguments, even supporters of the Agency. Well, not niestronniczych media.

From the partisan media should, of course, to distinguish between pure media propaganda, when unabashedly a bunch of losers journalists engaged all day an organized campaign of one political party, obsmarowując the rest.

But, maybe, robots, us they save you from all this prejudice

Imagine that for 5-10-15 years robots replace journalists: these emotional, boring, walczaków, śmieszków, the hands of the corridors of the Sejm and about the commentators, really. The world tells us artificial intelligence. Gathers facts, develops them, even odsiać the wheat from the chaff, to accidentally any Satellites failed to reach the mainstream. And creates the publication.

And we all live happily ever after in my reading, maybe soft, maybe boring, but, nevertheless quite neutral, and niestronnicze messages that take into account solely the facts.

the Portal robots edited reads, however, 300,000 in Poland, because people do not want good journalism, and as a publisher-clickbait will not do the work for them sensation this case, in the title, it’s not even going to think would be of interest to them. Well, but. A dream came true, we have free, fair and independent media.

“the point, Mr. X Quatro Core, in the heart of the matter” – happy to send reliable and niestronniczy article Facebook activist.

How long he could keep things this way?

at a Time when the handful of people who really wanted (and got) niestronnicze media, not grounding them in the already well-known vision of the world, enjoying a new dimension of the “inhuman” media, the developers do what they had always done. Update’said, improve, and develop.

After five years since the launch of the first redagowanego processors portal, scripts begin to learn not only to describe facts but also begin to test whether these facts have meaning. If it does not, however, to dismiss served as facts, even from the lips of heads of state, Ministers or even from the lips of the rank and file deputies.

“Because it doesn’t add!” he shouts once, uttering a hoarse chuckle complacently with each other Pentium Max Coronko MMCXIII located in an underground room somewhere near new York. Smarter robots are beginning not only to process information, discarding the “fake news”, but also to check sensowność already received. Preferring, of course, the decisions from the point of computer intelligence – or General intelligence – they have a little bit of sense.

And we’re back to the starting point

“Lord Celeron Duron processor Ultra Jewish skręcanym in the basement of George Soros.”

“we Need to restore media pluralism”, politics, unfastening from the main bus Athlony 2077 podpinając to her chipsets from stareńkiej Federation of the game in the eggs.


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