Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Android 5.0 tablet Lollipop for NVIDIA Shield now available! –


Just a few minutes ago on the official Twitter channel Poland NVIDIA announced the availability of the latest version of Android, ie. 5.0 Lollipop , for their flagship tablet . But this is not any surprise to us – information on this topic has been revealed already last week, but very excited about the fact that the deadline has been met.

Holders may, therefore, Nvidia Shield already checked their equipment, perhaps waiting there for them updated.

Update at such a rapid pace deserve great praise for Nvidia, because just yesterday updated began to appear on the tablet Nexus 7 Series.

If you have already received an update to version 5.0, be sure to divide your experiences :) And if you are interested in the tablet, our Shield Tablet Review already waiting for you.


                      Thomas Lenartowski



    Just today I ordered a version of LTE. Enjoy a free Green Box.






      Well, well. Just do not be surprised later that the tablet will break in 2 corners after 1-2 weeks of use ^ _ ^.



                          Thomas Lenartowski



        The Review argues that the issue is resolved. And this problem results in the exchange of a new one. So … somehow your “revelations” survive. I’m more worried about the stability of Arta.






    We know something about the Tegra note 7 when he gets 5.0?






    No, and just waiting in vain (N7 2013)






      you had to buy from the distribution of Google






        I bought the x-coma a year ago that it was breaking down. Now exchanged my 32GB versions. Besides seriously – even in the distribution of google and such. On the other store type x-com also is the difference?






          Well, yes, because X-Com as all the shops in Poland is the Asus distribution, ie with the latest updates.






            Asus already said that 5.0 is available. Besides, I did not know such a thing! Can somehow be to distribute the Google move?






            It seems that you can upload a different rom.

            But this results in a loss of warranty.



                      ajnek kaj



    Well As they walk a lot faster and faster application reads the card and I have a 64gb super-grid almost hardly any clipping




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