Last year, Prime Minister Android L, which debuted on the market as Android 5.0 Lollipop, generated a lot of excitement. Google then decided to refresh the look of your operating system by introducing Material Design. This year, no dramatic changes no, but after taking a look at the developer version of Android M can be seen a lot of useful additions and changes for the better. Viewing 23 different improvements that users will enjoy the new version.
Thicker marks on the lock screen
The thicker letters and numbers on the lock screen
The numbers on the clock display after blocking the phone are now slightly thicker. As a result, the time is a little more visible, especially if looking at the screen smartphone from a distance or at an angle.
See also:
notifications on the lock screen
quick settings panel on the lock screen
Android 5.0 Lollipop notifications on the screen Lock duplicate content that could be seen after the development of the notifications menu. From now on the lock screen you will not get to the second screen with the same notifications, and quick settings panel. Notifications will be displayed, but the switch.
Voice Search from the lock screen
Google Now can run as before, turn on your application
Without unlocking your phone will be from now on tell the machine to. Shortcut to voice assistant on the lock screen has replaced the link to the phone application. Google apparently decided that users prefer to talk more often with the phone, than over the phone.
The new list of applications
The new list of applications
Android M list of all applications installed on the device to survive until major changes, but Google from them slowly withdrawn. In the first version of Android developer M list of applications is presented in the form of scrolling menu, and not a few pages with shortcuts. Applications are divided, and items which start with the same letter went to the same subgroup. This division has disappeared but in the second version for developers.
Faster access to applications
The four most frequently run programs
The list of applications makes it easier to hunt specific positions. You can use the Quick Access bar, which shows the 4 most used applications. This bar can be seen when using the search engine on the desktop or in the Google Now.
Search the list of applications
New search application
In the application list screen, you can easily find a specific item without scrolling list. Just type the first few letters of the application.
Remove applications from the desktop
Shortcut to Desktop can be removed, and the program itself – uninstall
Removing applications in Android’m not a longer requires the user to go to a settings. Just hold your finger on the icon on the desktop and then move it in a properly signed place.
Separate volume sliders
A few sliders Volume
Android M lets you control multimedia playback volume separately and notifications . The volume of individual audio sources can be changed in the settings.
New menu sharing
Application Sharing – icons arranged in a grid, not on the list
Now instead of a list of applications that can share certain content that appears on the menu consisting of a grid of icons.
Only one menu Settings
All Settings in one place
In previous versions of Android settings and Settings menu Google services were separated from each other. Now everything is in one place.
It is possible that there will be night mode
Night mode changes the background to black and the letters on white color
Android 5.0 Lollipop uses bright colors in the interface. Users with smartphones and tablets in the dark will be able to select the night mode in the first version of Android developer M. This feature unfortunately disappeared after the update, but may appear in the future.
Menu interface customization hidden in the options for developers
The users were made available a tool that It allows you to customize several elements of the interface. You can thus eg. To enable or disable the display of icons on the top bar. The demo mode when capturing screenshots screenshots presented at a specific time, a charged battery and hides the icons from the notification bar. To launch System Tuner UI, go to the section for developers in the settings.
Modify the quick settings panel
UI System Tuner is a useful tool
The most interesting function UI System Tuner is a possibility select the order in which the buttons are arranged in a panel shortcuts to settings. Just hold your finger on them and move to the desired location the position.
Intelligent energy saving
Menu quick settings can be modified
Using the energy saving makes these applications They may no longer be refreshed automatically. You can choose which of your installed programs will not enable the inclusion of this mode. The battery settings, go to the menu button with three dots in the upper right corner and choose to ignore optimization. There, after pressing the down arrow, you can view all the applications and selected the option to ignore them, turn on the power saving mode.
The Taming of pop Notification
Some applications may ignore the power saving function
Android 5.0 Lollipop appeared new type of notification entering the screen and obscuring content in applications. Android M will allow you to master this supplement. When you go to the section on sound and notifications in the settings, you can disable this type of notification for a specific application.
Do Not Disturb!
Notifications sometimes appears far too long
Already in the L appeared Android mute notifications and give them priority. The Android M mechanism significantly improved and he now took the name Do Not Disturb (ang. Do Not Disturb) – exactly the same as that used for years with a similar solution from Apple. A Google solution is thereby somewhat more advanced. In addition to switching on and off Do Not Disturb mode, you can determine the duration and preach to ignore this setting selected applications.
supports Bluetooth GPS
The location helps now not only Wi-Fi connectivity, but also Bluetooth connectivity
For years, the indication GPS transmitters are supported by your phone to connect to Wi-Fi networks. In the case of Android M in addition to location accuracy will affect the Bluetooth connection. You can enable it by going to the settings menu on location. You have to press the menu button and select Scan.
Permits applications
Granted, you can pick up a permit application
Until now, installing programs to Android with Google Play had to admit once all the permits, which wanted the application developer. Now you will be able to have more control over and Android M will see which applications use the microphone, speaker, camera, etc. The list of permits and applications which they were granted, can be found in the application settings menu. You have to find it on the gear icon in the upper right corner, touch her, and from the menu select the entry for permits. Interestingly, Android M will pick up a permit application without removing it from the device.
Memory Management
It is still too early to judge, to evaluate the fluidity of the interface and management tools RAM-I will be useful
Users of Android M can preview how much memory use applications running in the background. These data are recorded, the average and maximum memory usage. These data can be previewed in the settings section on the application. From the menu, click on the button that runs consisting of three dots need to go to advanced settings, then click on the entry for memory, and at the end of the selected application.
Default Applications
Default Applications – the choices you make in one miejuscu
For years, Android allowed to change the default applications for e-mail, send and receive SMS messages, browse the web, etc. Until now, access to change the default application was difficult. Now all settings collected in one place, which is in the advanced settings panel application.
Easier to select text
Edit documents can be much more convenient
Users writing longer texts on smartphones than 140-character tweets appreciate the new mechanism of selection and editing content. Instead bar at the top of the screen when you select text displays a small icon with the most important functions just over the selected fragment.
Removal of screenshots
Screenshot ekanu can immediately remove
After the screenshot you can now not only instantly send to your friends, but also to remove from the gallery. If it turns out that it is not captured on what it takes to get rid of a screenshot from the device memory you do not have to enter the gallery.
Rotate your home screen
Desktop can rotate
Android M will use smartphones in landscape view and vertical – not only in support of this application. The icons on the desktop, subtitles, and the interface elements revolve in tilting the device sideways. To enable this function, go to Settings, go to the Google menu, then to the option Assistant Search and Google Now. This is where auto-rotate switch to the desktop.
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