Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Android or iOS, PC or mobile? It does not matter, so that parties with … – Interaktywnie.com

In an era of expensive and yet firmly fledgling Internet in Poland access to information about technological novelties in 90% of cases came down to reading the trade press. That was its charm but if the current pace of technological progress, he wanted to rely only on the written press – many would have lost. Fortunately, there is internet – writes for Interaktywnie.com Paul Skarżyński, product manager hosting home.pl.

Welcome to my virtual tour, techologicznym Eldorado, which every day brings me a solid dose of new knowledge about what ‘in technological wind is blowing’.

For many years the list of the best and most reliable information is provided by the portal Engadget.com. This is one of my absolute leaders when it comes to quality of publications, their merytorykę and scope. In addition to dry descriptions, combinations of parameters or comment as to the price, the editors in an interesting way to show us how much of marketed solutions influences (or impact) on our lifestyle.

The source of knowledge and news are also Techradar.com and ZDNet .com. The same, very broadly defined IT topics, gadgets and new technology, but slightly different approach to the language they are written in the news (more technically).

Tomshardware.com – real treasury of knowledge, which refers to a lot of services trade. The first and still the largest portal technology, focusing on the PC business głównje (but not only). We find here everything – news, reviews, tests, interviews, previews – in a word – if you are a fanatic PC, then this will be your Mecca! Interestingly, it was on the basis of Tomshardware, sprouted whole spectrum of Polish counterparts that both the quality of the test / review whether the method of presentation of information in inches not stand out from its predecessor.

Here I presented only English-language services, but that does not mean that indigenous portals have nothing to offer. In a PC the undisputed leader on my list is Benchmark.pl, which consisted of high school times their more computers and where I drew the knowledge of the PC industry. The great advantage is the categorization of topics in the relevant sections, extensive and highly accurate tests available hardware or recently TV channel on YouTube. The latter is handy for hard busy – if you do not have time for daily reading portal, just a few minutes to learn what zadziało important in the world of IT.

Noteworthy are also PurePC.pl and FrazPC. com, a typical web portal. Fans of mobile devices will appreciate the fact that both services are available in RWD.

In terms of such mobility, also have their favorites – the first is Windowscentral.com, bringing together Microsoft’s mobile system users. Until recently, the service very much focused only on the Windows Phone, after changing the layout, began to appear more and more articles related to mobile not only windows, but also hardware (Tablet Surface, Xbox) and desktop software (Windows 8.1 / 10 etc. ). By the way, this service is one of several in the portfolio of the group – should look at Crackberry.com (for fans of the Blackberry) and Androidcentral.com (Android).

Polish WPworld.pl, it’s a great counterpart Windowscentral and one of those services that are happy to browse on your smartphone (a huge plus for mobile application!). Run by a group of fans service will not allow any event associated with the mobile OS from Microsoft, we missed out.

Macrumors.com for fans (and fanatics!) Products Cuppertino – a place to obtain information and leaks dot . incoming products from California. The set also visit Knowyourmobile.com and Mobile-review.com, where I can keep track news and other manufacturers of smartphones premiere.

And at the end of the two portals that provide an interesting and valuable reading in the evenings, with a coffee. IRpro.co.uk – at the same address published articles from across the industry – cloud technology, security, network, hardware, software. Excellent source of professional and technical texts, okraszonych huge dose of knowledge and very deep look at how technology is changing, it changes us and our environment.

Thenextweb.com – excellent look at how evolving business centered around new technologies. Case-studies, advice and guidance concerning. The development and doing business in any market, Tests of IT solutions supporting business, interviews with people who have influenced the present their ideas. It’s one of those places that never ceases to surprise – and if you’re looking for inspiration or an idea for a business – it is worth to keep track of entries.

My list of must-visit-daily service is specific, I do not hide. At its explanation I’ll just add that I can not imagine life without gadgets And I love what TECHNOLOGIES done with our lives. Yes, I oficalnie say – I’m Paul and I’m addicted to technology.

Paul Skarżyński Hosting Product Manager, home.pl


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