Monday, November 2, 2015

Android absorb Chrome OS and will go on to computers? – Virtual Poland

  Official Wall Street Jurnal published information from which it appears that Google intends to join the Android certain elements of Chrome OS, so that arose from the operating system to work as smoothly on mobile devices as computers.

 Both systems were developed in parallel to each other, they rose from very different roots and were a response to the very different requirements of the Google executives. Android was going to be competition for Apple’s mobile system, while Chrome OS has evolved from a web browser, hoping that Web applications that run on low-cost computers work environment will be sufficient to ensure that meet the requirements of at least some users. After years in various versions of Android is installed on more than one billion devices while Chrome OS is still rather a curiosity. It is hard to say whether the connection information systems are not only rumors, but the arguments cited by the US daily seem to be reasonable.

 WSJ anonymous sources claim that being connected Android and Chrome OS. They are to be conducted for two years and aim to create a system that could simultaneously work on computers and run Android apps. The new system would have its premiere in 2017, but a beta version would be available early next year.

 Such a step seems logical, especially since it would lead to a situation in which Android would become the operating system for smartphones, tablets, watches, televisions, personal computers and other devices. It would be a real ecosystem, where all users would have access to the resources of Google Play.

 Development in this direction would not be a surprise, and Alphabet would not be the first company that this pursues. Similar plans have Microsoft, which, however, started from the operating system for desktop computers.

 Is this happens in reality? It is difficult to say. Hiroshi Lockheimer, which in the new structures responsible for Google Android and Chrome OS says that the latter is doing well and yet is not going anywhere. But this does not mean that his company is not working on a separate system that would combine the capabilities of both Chrome OS and Android. If you believe the information to the WSJ, we learn that in a few months.

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