Saturday, November 21, 2015

Where is the most popular iOS and Android where and how in this fight … –

The report DeviceAtlas can read a whole lot of very interesting information. In the previous text I focused on the most popular sizes and resolutions screens in 10 selected countries. Now is the time to summarize the popularity of particular operating systems in each of the countries surveyed.

As a reminder: under the microscope taken inhabitants of Australia, India, Japan, Nigeria, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK . The data on their devices collected on the occasion of their visit certain websites.

As you can see in the graphic above, on the map are marked for countries where the advantage has iOS or Android. The former is much less, and include, among others, United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Ireland. The second “camp” is much liczebniejszy and includes South America, Asia and parts of Africa and Europe. The exact list of countries can be found in the table below:

The report also draws attention to the third most popular operating system in the world, or Windows Phone. The following graphs illustrate its position in each of the 10 countries, and its rise or fall over the last four quarters, from Q4 2014 through to Q3 2015.

It’s obvious where smartphones with Windows Phone are much more likely to be selected. It is, of course, India, Italy and Nigeria. Steady increase in the popularity of this operating system can be seen in the already mentioned India, but also in the UK and Germany. A relatively fixed position while it is in Spain, Australia and the United States. The worst is doing for Japan, where literally is barely noticeable.

DeviceAtlas also prepared a list of 10 countries where Windows Phone is the most popular. The result is (at least for me) quite surprising. It turns out that most faithful to it Finns, birthplace of the Nokia. You can see that despite the acquisition of the brand Lumia Microsoft residents of Finland are still into it very attached and most date back to just after smartphones tiles on the board.

European countries in the top 10 were still Italy, Polish and Croatia. In addition, the statement representatives have also called. developing countries: India and Bangladesh. Doubts arise, however, as to the first one, because other studies show that the Indians much more likely to opt for the last fiscal Samsung with Tizen than a cheap Lumie.

Windows Phone popular & # x15B; & # x107; Q3 2015 3

This data is based (more or less), which operating system is most popular in the country. As mentioned earlier, the most I surprised me the first item Windows Phone in some countries, including Poland. Note, however, that each test is burdened with a certain limit error and is never 100% accurate, and thus representative of the region.

Still, thanks to the report DeviceAtlas have a view on the global situation and the popularity of individual operating systems, what, and so in many cases coincides with our present knowledge.

Source: DeviceAtlas


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