Thursday, May 12, 2016

Google Android VR will show us next week? – CHIP

In January, Google Cardboard has already received 5 million users. This number is the absolute first place when it comes to the popularity of VR goggles and Google seems to know about this very well. While these all of these rumors, of course, is confirmed.

The fact that Google is working on a better version of cardboard heard some time ago. Rumors spoke then about the device, which will not require the phone to act, that is, which has its own screen, processor, and … you know, is all what current smartphones, but is permanently closed in VR goggles (or maybe not ?), and you can not call it (unless they can). Recent rumors about the so-called project Android VR say that the device will be presented next week at the conference Google I / O.

But that’s not all!

In addition to work on the same goggles Google can still implement several new solutions for VR in its mobile operating system. Unfortunately, we do not know any specifics. Rumors say that with the new goggles Google, the company will show a new controller for VR – if it’s something new, and not another iteration falls to play in Android N will probably be the service.

do not yet know the specifications themselves goggles, however, relying again on rumors and hearsay, their ability to be somewhere between the currently available sets of VR on smartphones and pecetowymi Vive and oculus.

the biggest mystery remains, of course, price Android VR. If it will be appropriately attractive, then Google has enormous potential to dominate the market for virtual reality (and great to make money) for a long period of time. However, if Android VR is too expensive toy …

Perhaps we will learn all about it next week.


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