Friday, November 22, 2013

Images Android 4.4 update. OTA Update for ... - Dobreprogramy

@ mundex not. Need a ZIP file that contains the update OTA, no system image. Links to OTA updates are never officially available, but can be easily extracted via ‘adb logcat’ if you get the update and therefore normally within a few-dozen hours someone link provides and we all enjoy.

ZIP files OTA look like this: … (This particular is nakasi or Nexus 7 2012 WiFi).

As we are trying to update occam or Nexus 4 is unfortunately I have for you a nasty message: yet there is nowhere direct link to the OTA. Apparently, the rollout has already started, but everywhere is one and the same screen update process (, so it is possible that either it is a relatively slow rollout or Google again found an error and halted the process OTA. As I stated in one of the links above – the rollout usually in the first days affects about 1% of the devices, then the number is growing. Where% is the chance that the Google server polled receive the update. If the server does not give you an update, then you are rejected until the next step (to increase the percentage chance), so clicking every hour in the “Check now” does not make sense. It seems to me that Google just found another error and stopped the OTA, so even if you are going to flash the system together with the format userdata, I recommend for now leave unlocked bootloader, so no, it turned out that for two days comes a new fix – ) Something that KitKat is not happy for Google, I think an awful hurry to catch up with the release of the Nexus 5 Halloween.

Returning to the OTA and the chance of its receipt – Google Freamwork data cleaning makes sense, because it changes the unique ID which identifies the device on Google’s servers (servers Google’s situation looks as if the device was the factory reset), so the same again get the chance to get OTA even at the same stage. But it has a lot of negative effects, which specifically says at the same link as the method of distribution of OTA.

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