Such information in its latest report published Canalys. Analysts have estimated that the share of Android in the segment of new equipment was at the end of last year 79%, which translates into 785 million smartphones running Google. In December 2012, according to Canalys Android had 68% of the global market.
report is based on data from more than 50 countries monitored, so we have a slight discrepancy between the estimates Canalys, and even information made available recently by IDC. For example, Canalys estimated that the amount delivered to the smartphone market is still not exceeded the magic limit billion units (number 998 million came smarfonów). IDC reported billion and 4,000,000.
According to Canalys other OS platforms except BlackBerry OS also came out in the black. However, in practice, only Windows Phone has been able to grow fast enough to gain anything in terms of percentage (an increase of 2% to 3% of the market). Apple sold last year more iPhones than a year earlier, but at the same time it was not able to sell their smartphones quickly enough to bite Android. As a result, the share of iOS market share dropped from 20% at the end of 2012, to 15% at the end of 2013.
individual systems coped with the increase
Canalys rated the increase in Windows Phone at 69% year on year (2013 vs. 2012). Android came to 54%, and iOS only 7%. Thus it is clear that the market slowly begins to saturate and device manufacturers can forget about the situation in the years 2011-2012, when sales of smartphones from year to year grew by over 100%.
At the moment, more rarely smartphones are sold to consumers who so far have used ordinary cells. More and more so the key is to convince the customer to your old smartphone exchanged for a new one.
If you are looking for a slightly different point of view, it is worth a look for the corresponding IDC report summarizing the year 2013. IDC Analysts, however, are focused not on the individual operating systems, and smartphone sales by brand.
Fig. Canalys
Source: Canalys
> Every fifth inhabitant of the globe is no longer a smartphone