Friday, January 17, 2014

The Chinese want to face systems Android and Windows ... - Computerworld

Even if the Chinese beats the operating system on the market, it will face a very difficult task, because the vast majority of Chinese people have smartphones, tablets and PCs, which manages the Android or Windows. COS System Developers have hope, however, that Chinese manufacturers of such devices will understand that the issue of safety is paramount and will at some point to design and produce equipment compatible with the SSC.

The case is for the Chinese government’s so important (to do not tell prestigious) that the company designing the system COS (bearing the name of Liantong Network Communications Technology, having its registered office in Shanghai) is working closely with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences), and no small part of its business is government funding.

So far, the company Liantong Network Communications Technology does not reveal too many technical details on COS operating system. We only know that it is already used in devices such as set-top boxes and the company is currently in discussions with the Chinese manufacturers of smartphones and PCs that you have made the production of computer hardware, which will operate under the control of the COS. While every company representative revealed that the software supports HTML5, Java and devices operating under its control can no longer run around 100 thousand. the application.

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