Thursday, August 21, 2014

One for all, that Android could be safe without patching … – dobreprogramy

Android security remains an unsolved
 problem. The vast popularity of Google’s mobile system works
 for cybercriminals as honey for flies, so the number of targeting
 the attacks is growing. There are also increasing the professionalism of the attackers,
 interested not so much vandalism at making money. No
 so long ago it was loud even with the detected
 by FireEye operation, in which the application pretending to be official store
 Google Play stealing login credentials for electronic banking.
 Security researcher scientists from Germany and the United States consider
 that neither Google nor Android device manufacturers themselves from
 it can not do – the system needs a total rethink
 its security. For its part, offers not only
 thoughts, but also very interesting programming framework that
 no help in securing Android.

The problem of adequate protection of Android stems from the large
 number of complex programming interfaces (APIs) used
 by the system – say researchers from the Technische Universität
 Darmstadt and North Carolina State University. It would not be without them
 possible rise throughout this vast database software that
 Google has a system, but it also leads to the need
 use a completely different security model than in the
 conventional operating systems (e.g.. Windows). In Android, each
 application is assigned to its own security domain, for
 possibly a small area, often containing only the necessary
 API and created by no files. Thanks are limited
 both the consequences of the exploit and the powers that
 gets the worm. Not really but you know what permissions
 application should be granted, and when to do it, nor how to deal
 the threats arising from the interaction between different

Ideas to change the security models of Android has already been
 a lot, but they all require changes in the firmware, often in
 practice impossible to achieve – hundreds of millions of devices
 this system will never be updated to newer versions
 the system. For their part, researchers and so offer innovative
 Android framework called Security Modules (ASM), which can be
 wpinać various security fixes. In his article
 Fri ASM: A Programmable Interface for Extending Android Security
 (Which tomorrow is to be presented at the Usenix Security
 Symposium in San Diego, CA) explain that the ASM provides a set of
 authentication hooks ( hooks ), on the basis of which
 You can build your security software. Such a standard
 interface for security architectures allow for secure
 ongoing to improve the security of Android devices, without
 need to modify the operating system itself.

ASM Developers believe that you can not do a single model
 security that would meet the needs of all potential
 operating system users (individuals, companies or
 government). It is therefore necessary to have
 programmable interface security in accordance with the expandable
 needs, like the Linux Security Modules (GNU / Linux)
 or TrustedBSD (BSD). ASM must of course retain the original
 existing Android security, providing a more
 restrictive security without compromising example. sandboksa and protect
 consistency of the kernel, servicing modules running
 authentication without any additional overhead on system performance.

In this way it becomes possible to complete separation applications
 business and personal equipment with Android, as well as
 increase privacy. Available by ASM
 Call it permits filter, modify, and anonimizować
 data transmitted between applications, thereby protecting the
 all on the device data. Then, even if the
 an application will request it unnecessary things – eg.
 access to the contact list, ASM will be able upon request
 filter, so that the manufacturer of the application server will go only
 Data apparent.

More about Android Security Modules, can be found at
 the project. The researchers also prepared two working examples
 applications that implement security known to MockDroida
 - Processing allowing Android to control access
 Application data and application AppLock,
 enables blocking of individual applications.


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