Using a smartphone or even a regular phone while driving is one of the clearest reasons for accidents. Google has patented a way to use the platform Android Wear to detect whether the user is a passenger or maybe driving the vehicle, which may in the future help to reduce road accidents.
You can consider yourself to be the best driver in the whole known universe and its environs, but does not change the fact that your mind during a phone call analyzes much less visual information, resulting in a contraction of the field of view and strongly delayed reactions during dangerous situations. Also physically interact with a smartphone or any other electronic device while driving distract from driving. Thus says the theory, which unfortunately many of us fail to comply with blindly believing in your skills and not paying attention to how our brain works. Google has patented a mechanism that may contribute in the future to reduce accidents. As we can read in application No. 9 037 125 filed in the US Office of Patents and Trademarks, wyszukiwarakowy giant has developed a method (or just a concept) to recognize whether the user is acting under the control of the Android Wear a smart watch or band is in the car and that his passenger or maybe it leads. This is achieved by analyzing the information from these sensors are in smartwatchach as accelerometer and gyroscope. Thanks to the one sent is possible to detect whether a person moves the steering wheel or change gear, which indicates that it is the driver.
At the moment it is not known yet whether this patent will be used in all operating systems Android. Filing a patent application is not equivalent to the embodiment of the idea contained therein into force. It seems, however, that the mechanism is relatively simple to implement, so it is very possible that in the near future, after a while driving our smartphone will get the information information from the smart watch on our wrist, he must switch to speakerphone mode, listen to our commands and read aloud emerging notifications and SMS.
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