Friday, October 30, 2015

End of coexistence on Google? Android has to absorb Chrome OS … – dobreprogramy

It seems that once again the coined at Sun Microsystems
 Network computer vision nothing will. Its modern
 the implementation of devices running Chrome OS, apparently not
 lived up to expectations, not kidnapped hearts
 customers. Quite differently than other operating systems
 Alphabet Company, Inc., or Android, probably today
 the most popular runtime environment for applications on the
 the planet. As reported by the Wall Street Journal underway
 by Android adaptation of certain elements of Chrome OS, so that
 resulting from the operating system function equally well on
 smartphones and tablets, what and traditional personal computers.

Business analysts point to the fact that both Android
 and Chrome OS developed in parallel. This first
 He has long been considered a fairly traditional answer to iOS and,
 mimicking Apple’s system at every step, in the end, however,
 He caught up with, and even on some issues drove the ball. This
 the second arose from a web browser, hoping that the web
 and Browser applications that run on low-cost komputerkach will
 to adequate work environment, which at least for parts
 Users will replace the classic desktop. How it all
 ended, we all know. In 2014 years it was active over
 Android devices billion, while hardware with Chrome OS-em
 but fared well in several niches, he failed to threaten
 Windows empire, now acting at most 3% of sales
 all personal computers.

Anonymous sources claim American newspapers that work on
 a combination of Android and Chrome OS last about two years
 and although nothing is known about the details, it is believed that
 at least some of them associated with the creation of the environment
 ARC boot for Chrome, which has helped
 Android applications run directly in the browser. Itself
 such runtime environment is far too little, and even
 apparently Google Alphabet Inc. He wants to unify the ecosystem itself
 software. The new system, Chrome OS absorbed by Android,
 would appear on the market in 2017, but a beta version
 to make it available in early 2016.

In this way, Android would become the operating system for
 smartphones, tablets, and other devices smartzegarkach
 ubieralnych, the ends of the Internet of Things, televisions,
 car multimedia stations – and personal computers.
 In this way, also on a laptop or desktop we would have access to
 all the resources of Google Play, now more than a million applications and
 future probably a lot more, too, and those written
 would be from the ground up for something other than Device

No one probably should not be surprised by this turn of events.
 Recently Sundar Pichai, chief executive of Google, the main
 Alphabet units, Inc., stated, mobility, as
 Computing paradigm, pour at the end of one of what today
 We consider desktop
. Somewhat earlier, while Google presented
 his best tablet Pixel C, acting not under control
 Chrome OS, so far was the drives of the pixel,
 but it was under the control of Android.

Unfortunately, today we can not yet offer specifics,
 regarding this as the hybridization of the two systems could
 look, the source of the Wall Street Journal, speak in generalities,
 clearly intended for not having a clue about technology
 recipient. It is known, however, that Chromebooks will not disappear from the market, but
 They will be sold under a different name. Its Chrome browser
 certainly retain the name. Sam Chrome OS also will not disappear, it will
 offered as an open source operating system for all
 the producers concerned, will also be supported, but the whole
 emphasis is to be placed on it to run well on Android


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