These are the results of a survey conducted with the help of Google by Cambridge University.
The big blame here manufacturers of Android devices who do not deliver on time users the appropriate updates and patches that eliminate located holes in them. A report published by Cambridge University is not optimistic and represents a major challenge both for suppliers of smartphones and their users.
To obtain information and develop on the basis of the report, researchers have developed an application Device Analyzer, and then placed it in Google Play Store. With this strategy are themselves users of Android devices have become, of course, indirectly, co-authors of the report, researchers have confidence that these findings were obtained only from Android devices that use the services offered by Google Play. In this way, we analyzed data submitted by 20 thousand. users.
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For the most part they came from equipment manufactured by leading manufacturers of this type of equipment, such as Samsung, LTG, HTC and Motorola.
Those interested in such a study, users of Android smartphones can still be downloaded from the Play Store and install the Device Analyzer, because the program is continued.
When analyzing collected by the application Device Analyze the data, the researchers were able to determine how quickly the producers of Android devices available to their users with the latest updates and patches. The results can be seen on the set graphics.
It turns out that it was the delay in providing users with Android devices latest updates is one of the main reasons that hackers can with impunity surf the Web and steal data from our smartphones and tablets. It is precisely this bottleneck. The idea is that from the moment in which Google will develop an appropriate patch to the point where supplier Android device chooses to make it available to users, passes a rule so much time that hackers have no problem in order to exploit the vulnerability.
A vulnerability in Android are many, and one of the most serious is Stagefright. It allows a hacker to take control of a smartphone or tablet and steal confidential information from him. It is estimated that 95% of Android devices contain this vulnerability.
Even worse presented the case when the Android smartphone has been provided with the service telecommunications operator. Then the reaction time is usually even longer. Needless to say that in this respect furnishing iOS mobile users are in a much better situation, because Apple provides users of the iPhone and iPad updates without undue delay.
Nexus leader
Scientists have developed a parameter called the FUM, which allows you to check – after analysis sets monthly security updates – like equipment providers quickly deliver the latest patches, that is, generally speaking, how safe are different Android devices. As you can see, the first place in this ranking are Nexus devices. Just behind them are Android devices manufactured by LG. Analyzing the results can be seen that none of the devices (except the Nexus) has not received the evaluation (on a scale of 1 to 10) greater than 5.
One of the co-authors of the report praises him for launching the store Google Play Store app for Android, which contributed largely to the security of mobile devices of this type. However, the report shows the need for additional measures here which will ensure that users of such devices an even greater sense of security. It is absolutely necessary taking into account the fact that practically almost ninety percent of Android devices includes various kinds of vulnerabilities that are an incentive for hackers to make them attack.
But as long as you only use applications downloaded from Google Play Store and we hope that with time supplier of Android devices will rise to the task and will we share your time with all the latest updates, which will make you feel more than safe now.
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