Recently premiered Android 7.0 Nougat, meanwhile, the program developer can download the previous version of the development of the next iteration of the system is identified by a number 7.1.1. New Nexus devices can download and install it now, but you should, because it introduces some interesting novelties.
In versions for Android developers 7.1.1 Nougat provides for many changes in the system itself. Google for a long time supplied to the extent consistent software available on the market, but along with the premiere smartphones Pixel, the flagship equipment manufacturer is gaining lots of exclusive capabilities, such as access to the new helper. However, the update for Nexusów 6P, 5X and Pixela C presents a number of interesting new features.
Android 7.1 introduces native support for GIF Keyboard to the Google Keyboard and the context menu invoked by long pressing on a shortcut.
Many users will appreciate support for additional gestures in Android 7.1.1 Nougat. Thanks for the help, for example, double pressing the power button, you can launch the camera. In the update there is a place for Kalki, the function “Raise to wake” with iOS. Thanks to her, we get the possibility of the suspect notification when the phone is to pull out of a pocket or lifted off the table. In addition, when turning the device twice in the camera app to turn on your front camera.
In the system is also another inspiration iOS support long pressed the icon to call the context menu. Ignoring the obvious limitations of the devices that this feature will get, it works very similar to the 3D Touch in the Apple smartphones. Another innovation is the introduction of the round icons for the apps in the system. And these should become standard for all applications in Google Play.
People who appreciate the speed of navigation in the system like rebuilt Quick settings menu. an Interesting variation, available in other smartphones with Android is introduction to Nexusów opportunities restart the device by long pressing the power button and call the respective menu. in Addition, Android 7.1.1 Nougat also introduces support for GIF Keyboard initially so that we can put in a simple way the GIF file from an external file multiple tapnięciami and a brand-new emoji.
Among the authorized to download updates, Nexusy 6P, 5X and tablet Pixel C. The final version of the software must be made available to other devices as well as Android One. If you have any of these three items, you can download a new version of the OS, if part of the Android Beta Program. The update is available in update settings of Your device, as well as for those intended for the consumer market.
Google lately, he’s on the move and also grow your business on mobile devices, don’t forget about Android. The updates for this system more often than before, and the software appears to be very ripe. Users of the platform can be satisfied with the direction, which was chosen by the manufacturer, and the above changes in the Android 7.1.1 is the perfect proof.
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