Tuesday, October 11, 2016

iOS 10 is already on 2/3 devices. And Android 7? Has anyone seen a … – dobreprogramy

Announced in this year during WWDC innovations in the system of mobile devices, Apple revealed that the new version of iOS and will bring much more than just cosmetic fixes. 10 major innovations of iOS and 10, and dozens of smaller ones not only sound good data, but become a real incentive to upgrade for users of Apple mobile devices.

this is Confirmed by statistical data collected through the website 9to5Mac, according to which already today with iOS 10 in more than 66% of Apple mobile devices. From the release of update on 13 September was not even a month, and that means that iOS 10 soon obtained the popular version of the mobile system from Apple in history.

of Course, this fact emerged a lot of factors, led by the premiere of the new iPhone 7 nevertheless, and so the success of the latest version of iOS-and this is indisputable, what is also confirmed by the data dobrychprogramów – visit iOS-10 (and, more precisely, with the sum of 10, 10.0.1 and 10.0.2) account for 45.6% of all visits from iOS. It’s hard not to lay these data with Android: prima leads, however, Android 6.0.1, which together with Android 6.0 generates, however, only 31,74% of traffic from Android.

r e k l a m a

Evil, could, of course, to draw attention to the fact that after Android 7 no hearing, nor spirit. It shows also, however, global data collected by NetMarketShare, under which the latest version of the operating system Google uses only 0.12% of users. Here it is impossible, however, not absolutely take into account other forms of distribution of new software versions, and fragmentation that such data only as an example.

– a Rather serious problem Google, as a way of promoting a new Android, which focused only on connecting it with a smartphone Pixel. On the one hand it may be approached Google for the business model of Apple, but the disparity between the number of new Android features 7.1, which will go into Pixela and those that will benefit users of devices from other manufacturers, is huge and leads de facto to secondary fragmentation of Android.


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