Now also in zbąszyńskiej the library! We register for training: “the Friendly android, the primary user of the android tablets”. Recording continues until October 29. We invite not only seniors, this course is also for the young, for which tablets and smartphones are still a problem!
“the Friendly android, the primary user of the android tablets”. We invite not only seniors, this course is also for the young, for which tablets and smartphones are still a problem! We have no shame – we can help You “tame” electronic devices with the Android operating system. In comfortable conditions, in kilkuoosbowych groups repair, quietly, in the time it takes for everyone interested.
get Acquainted with free applications that facilitate our everyday life and will facilitate the contacts with the digital reality of our children and grandchildren. Six modern tablets, along with a secure case and card external memory, received as support from Ikea Industry Zbąszynek in projects of social participation “Community Involvement”. Tablets will be useful for our readers, not only from the Municipal Zbąszyń, others – we have in the library readers, distant surroundings!
Record continue
Please register by phone or in person at the library, specifying the name, surname and telephone number for communication. The course includes 8 sessions, twice a week, we are planning classes on Monday and Thursday from 11.00 h to 12.00. The course will be held in the library, in the conference room. Each participant will work on their own tablet.
Determines the order of filing
Individuals who enroll in a course will be notified by telephone of the date of the first meeting. We expect some editing of course, how come the participants. The course is completely free, thanks to the support of the project created for Ikea Industry. Instruktorkami on the course are librarians, Natalie and Anita Wawrzyńska Rucioch-Gołek.
Registration continues until 29 października
on Tuesday almost the entire territory of the country will be rainy. Only in the Carpathian mountains from the clouds wyjrzy the sun and rain should not be. The lowest temperature I will record Land – 9 degrees, and the maximum in the Carpathian – 18 degrees. South-West wind will be weak and moderate.
In the following days, expected to improve weather with little precipitation expected.
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