Google gave the green light to launch of the second generation of smartphones with the Android One. These are models aimed at customers from poorer countries who are looking phone with a great mix of price and offered possibilities. So far, we have found one representative of the “new wave” Nexus budget, or Lava Pixel V1. In contrast to sales, so far only in Thailand, hit i-mobile iQ II with good components and on the occasion of constituting a big burden on your wallet.
i-mobile iQ II offers 5-inch HD screen, which probably meet in any upcoming Android One second generation. The used devices also have a decent parameters – rear has 8 megapixels and 2 megapixels front. However, in this case, the manufacturer decided not to add the ability to interpolate images (increasing their resolution).
Enjoy the presence of LTE. This is still a rarity in smartphones with the lowest shelves, but it is slowly changing. More interestingly, the computing power provides Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 with four cores ARM Cortex A53 1.2 GHz and Adreno 306 also could not miss DUALSIM, 16 GB internal memory expandable by another 32 GB. The whole armed Android 5.1.1 Lollipop, and Google has promised two-year support all Android phones One.
In terms of our currency, i-mobile iQ II is priced at about 480 dollars and will be available in white or black. Given the parameters and support from Google seems to be a wise fixed amount. Unfortunately, this smartphone officially never will go to the Polish, like the rest of Android One.
Source: Android One by Android Central
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