The new edition of Android One is to take place in the next few weeks, as part of aiming to popularize the platform in India. The program works on a simple principle – Google dofinansowywuje part of the components used for the production of “budget” smartphones, and also offers the latest version of its “clean” operating system-looking and responsive in terms of functionality ago, they offer the Google Nexus device.
The first Android smartphones as part of One hit the Indian market a year ago, priced at about $ 100 apiece. However, it was still quite a lot – most of the smartphones sold in India costs from 31 to 47 dollars. That’s why Android One in a new, second phase of the project will have probably a much greater chance of success in one of the most important markets in the world – the new smartphones will not only be much cheaper but of course they will also offer a better, newer specification.
Google? To what extent are selfless actions of this group, aimed at popularizing Android devices? Not at all – more users of Android smartphones One is more people using various Google services (internet, mail, search engine, YouTube …) and more people watching the way ads appear. And this is still the most important primary source of income American company.
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