– Chopin, we have a problem! Something we here next summer wings.
More or less, (though more less than more) sounded words of Lufthansa aircraft pilot, flying recently from Munich to Warsaw. The pilot saw a hundred meters from his machine rollin drone.
Such times – once the pilots been reporting about UFOs, today drones. I always thought that the planes are dangerous even when nothing around them does not fly – no birds, drones or UFOs. So I would prefer not to be on board of the airplane Lufthansa, which could include cullet from the drone. Or something even worse.
For me it was one of the most important events of the passing week. Suddenly, to our reality slowly sneaks up – actually enters – a new dangerous phenomenon.
Lufthansa pilot immediately informed the tower at the airport Chopin about the threat. Drona – and its operator – began to seek police. You have sent even a military helicopter, although nothing is known about whether planned to shoot down the drone. In any case, he not rushed after him, none of our F-16.
The drone in the air longer namierzono, but the police after some time found his probable operator. This 39-year-old resident of the surrounding area of Piaseczno – from this side to land the plane approached Lufthansa – who admitted that around this time he used his drone. The man had never punished, not recorded. He might not even know or do not understand what poses a threat. Today – as suggested by the police – he faces up to 8 years in prison. An ordinary citizen who flew too close to the aircraft. It’s porobiły times – once could at most for close approaches to the propeller. And today everyone can come over and propeller head is not Unweaving him.
Maybe so no need to prohibit the holding of drones? Or think of not authorizing like a gun? Require each air operator “driving”? Allow to sell only drones equipped with transponders, identifying the device after the digital “registration number”?
It is easy to prove that the drones is a fantastic device for all hooligans.
From drones is in fact a problem that they can bring to someone in mortal danger, without compromising with the operator.
When driving a car on the street enforce the priority, they also usually going to get hurt in the accident. A drone pilot in the air can perform wild frolics, quietly sipping a beer (cheap, because it tasted on the drone) and yourself in any way without risking. Dron is almost invisibility cap allows brawl without showing his face.
The incident in the vicinity of the Warsaw Okecie showed by the way, that is quite helpless in this case airport security. If the machine approached the charging enemy aircraft could shoot it down before it returns to its airport. Dron can disappear unnoticed. Hooliganize and several dozen seconds later to land anywhere. Police managed to trace the probable provider, but after a drone flew away quietly, not found in the air.
It seems that the drone operator who caused panic at the airport Chopin, unaware of the danger that He created. And this is the climax of the case.
Drones seem innocent toys that you can buy at your local supermarket electronics and tools turn out to be dangerous.
But the electric saw is also dangerous. It also can be yourself or someone cut off his hand. Nobody, however, for this reason will not be postulated to prohibit the sale of electric saws.
Only that between the drone and Chainsaw electricity, there is one important difference. Almost everyone is aware of the danger of using electric saw. So will he used it very carefully – at least until they filmed some Texan massacre. A drone is still something new and few people realize how much they can do harm.
This is perhaps one of the major problems associated with drones – even by long their prices will fall, causing the device They will become more accessible. But at the same time exotic enough for buyers that you will not realize the dangers that are likely to have.
Who because letting in the garden drone counts with that lose control of it and a drone will drop someone on your head? Or down a power line? Collides with the plane?
The Russians recently became famous campaign warning cautioning against making thoughtless himself selfie – apparently they had at home a lot these dangerous accidents. Frankly, they made an impression on me this action. Because it shows how the government sees the dangers of modern technology, even as banal as webcams placed on kijkach to selfie. It is not enough to prohibit people from using sticks to selfie in amusement parks. Equally important is the translation, why use them sometimes it dangerous.
So my suggestion to ban the use of drones is just a provocation to reflect on the growing role of these devices in our daily lives.
Multiplication bans usually gives a little. We had already been simpler and cheaper devices, which were brought danger to aircraft landing. Laser sights not once dazzled the pilots approaching for landing. It is difficult, however, prohibit the sale of these simple devices.
We welcome would accept campaign informing the public about where not to fly drones Never. Or even the obligation to submit such information to each sold drone. There is, however ignorantia juris principle nocet – ignorance of the law is harmful to a person who himself does not apply to him. But we care not about to punish people blithely pilot drones, which in this so just do not do it. And I am convinced that many of them is not soaring hooligans, only just missing them a little knowledge and certainly imagination.
We should not dramatize that Poles in terms of “droniarstwa” negatively stand out from the rest of the world. The BBC reported that according to the Civil Aviation Authority in the UK between March 2014 and May 2015 years happened in the vicinity of airports six hazardous situations involving drones. Once drone found just a few meters from the wings of Airbus 320.
By the way, I must admit that more often bores me to use drones in photography and filming.
Another recording become cruelly stamp-. The invasion of the back of the running man, pedałującego rider or skier szusującego speeding car seen in recent months, many times, that each individual obdarzyłbym recognition of all Chinese people. Videos filmed drone become repetitive and boring as pornography.
Soon confident in the sale there will be new drones to selfie. Some babies who podrzucimy over his head, pofruwają over us tens of seconds and winds up selfie. And this with the pyramids in the background, and this tower Eiffle’a, and that the Palace of Culture. It’s only going to happen when they start colliding with each other! Probably then in tourist places will be made mandatory helmets walking.
Peter Lipinski – a reporter, photographer and filmmaker. He writes on a change of history and modern technologies. Author of several books, including “George unclear” and “Rzepecki Report”. He published in “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “On a cross-country”, “Polityka”. Multi-awarded by the Association of Polish Journalists and nominated for “Press”. Winner of the President of the Polish Filmmakers Association for the documentary “What happened to the Polish Bill Gates”. She blogs at PiotrLipinski.pl. Joking on TwitterPiotrLipinski. The new book “Genius and pigs” – about Jack Karpinski, an outstanding informatyku, who in the People’s Republic bred pigs – in both paper and e-books.
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* The first photo from Shutterstock. By Marcin Połowianiuk other.
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