appeared to critical information about the susceptibility of Android, called stagefright that allows an attacker to take control of the phone software. According to information provided to the public includes the approximately 95% of phones with this system, which represents 950 million phones, smartphones or tablets. Susceptibility concerns many applications for processing multimedia content such as Messenger, Google Hangouts or WhatsApp.
The attacker can take control of the system by sending a multimedia smartphone or a message containing the malicious content. After taking control of the attacker can steal data such as photos and videos, contact information, access to information, GPS or audio recording devices and video. It may also attempt to gain access to confidential data related to online banking and expose the victim’s financial losses.
All systems are susceptible Android versions from 2.2 to latest currently available.
To carry out the attack does not require any user interaction. Therefore, you should take all possible steps to make it more difficult to carry out the attack. What can you do now?
- Turn off automatic downloading of MMS messages. In the settings of the SMS application, go to More- & gt; Settings- & gt; More ustawień- & gt; multimedia and disable Auto. Download.
- Do not download multimedia content sent using SMS gateways or from unknown senders.
- Avoid browsing using your smartphone untrusted content. Do not open suspicious-looking links and Web pages.
- Avoid browsing using your smartphone untrusted content sent via e-mail.
- Wait for software updates from the manufacturer of your camera and do it when it is available.
Advanced users can consider zrootowanie your camera and upload CyanogenMod, because stagefright vulnerability was patched in him.
Source: CERT Orange
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