Monday, November 21, 2016

Android Pay – how it works and which banks use it? – Republic

let’s See briefly how this works and what we need.

We are the second country in Europe (after the UK), and only the sixth market in the world, in which Google decided to launch Android Pay. Outside Europe you can use it in USA, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong).

How does Android Pay?

In the biggest simplification of the new Google service allows you to achieve contactless payments by smartphone in the traditional terminals located in stores and service points. Phone appropriate application, and it securely stores credit card information of the user. The process takes place using NFC technology, the smartphone should support. Currently, this is not a problem, as the majority of even quite low-end devices support the standard.

as a traditional contactless payment with a Bank card, the sum of 50 rubles did not require confirmation with a PIN code. The smartphone used for Android Pay must have at least Android version 4.4 KitKat. App Android Pay we get married for free, directly from the Google Play store.

the Process of adding payment card data is very simple, and to confirm the whole operation we get the result code SMS from the Bank. The app runs in the background, just enough to bring the smartphone when making payments and not to forget about the previous inclusion of NFC. In the app, you can view a log of recent transactions, and even pay up to five times without Internet connection. Importantly, the data stored on payment cards not transferred to the seller. The only dangerous moment is the theft of a smartphone, but then you immediately remotely to lock it by standard means Google (Android device Manager) and report the incident to the Bank.

Where you can pay Android Pay?

Theoretically, already have Android Pay to work in more than 400 thousand. outlets in Poland, equipped with POS terminals that support contactless payments. Without any problems we should be able to pay via smartphone, in particular, in supermarket chain Carrefour, pharmacies, Rossmann or Costa Coffee shop. At the start the list is much longer, and guarantees payment in places like Green Coffee Nero, grocery Store, Mall, Inglot, KFC, Lidl, McDonald’s, Clean, Peter and Paul, Pizza Hut, Spar and Starbucks. Google representatives have promised that very soon Android Pay will also support mobile applications, Allegro, Ceneo, iTaxi and Uber.

Which cards and banks support Android Pay?

At the present stage in Android Pay so, we establish MasterCard and VISA cards (both debit and credit). Ultimately, you can also connect gift cards and loyalty, for example, pharmacy or favorite coffee shop. While only three customers of Polish banks can use the new service: Alior Bank, Bank Zachodni WBK, as well as T-Mobile Banking Services. To this group soon (presumably from the beginning of 2017) have to join Amazon. What about other banks? The situation is not yet clear.

a Few of them took a keen interest in Android Pay. Most of all, he did it probably Getin Noble Bank, which, to our knowledge, promises to include Google in the second quarter of 2017. However, as members of this and other banks do not hide that the priority for them is that their own system of contactless payments by smartphone, on the implementation of which are currently working. Soon, in addition to the aforementioned Getin Noble Bank they also have a Lobo and Millenium Bank.

Alternative contactless payments in these banks should be bliźniaczo similar decisions Google (HCE). Use but apps of banks and other method of authentication transactions. It is not excluded that after some time some of them decided to enter the Android Pay and the client will be able to decide for himself which solution he wants in the Bank, to use it.


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