Monday, November 21, 2016

Payment Android Pay in smartwatchach, the excellent Instant all Apps … – Antyweb

over the past week used Android Pay countless times. This is due, primarily, with the amazing convenience of this solution – after removing the phone from his pocket, enough to bring him to the terminal to wait for the short vibration and, possibly, message, signal, ready. As a rule, it is much easier than after stretching the wallet and retrieve a specific card, so after some time to put it in place and hide the wallet.

Android Pay can also be very useful in a situation when we just forget portfolio. The phone has virtual versions of physical cards, so we still have access to funds. Google, like the rest, but mostly Apple plans to make this process even more comfortable, allowing you to make payments using smartwatchy.

this is Evidenced by information obtained through the service Android Police, who, as always, carefully looked at the contents of the new version of Google Play Services. Because of this, we know that the service is “Tap ‘n Pay”, which means “Come and pay”, will appear in one of the new hits Android Wear. For his work will need a NFC module is present in smartzegarku, so it is possible that the market will debut an entirely new device. With 2014 on sale is the Asus ZenWatch is equipped with such a module, but still wasn’t too useful.

the code contains several actions that you will need to take in specific circumstances how to configure services via phone or goal smartwatcha to the terminal. However, the first mention of Android Pay by Android Wear get July of this year, but, according to Android Police the actual report can even assume that the service is in the testing phase.

Due to the presence of Android Pay in Poland we can only wait for the official announcement and introduction to sale of new watches with Android Wear and NFC support.

One of the most interesting, if not the new editing Google I/O conference, was a project called Instant Apps. Recall that its main purpose is to allow users to use the services of selected functions of the apps present in Google Play, without the need to download and install in General. In certain circumstances, for example, in case of making reservation, our phone number will be pulled it only takes a small packet of data called a “module”, which was prepared by the developer.

it is important to note That this solution will not need the latest version of Android, as support will issue 4.4 and later versions.

Received from Android Police details indicate that Google has significantly advanced in the process of implementing services that we can assume that soon will be available to users, because it is very likely already tests for “laboratory conditions”.


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