Sunday, November 6, 2016

The mobile market but Android news (Blog)

In the market of mobile operating systems is not a fight. Already some time ago realized that the king of that market is one. Maybe a bit destroyed a throne, and an old crown, but, nevertheless then maintains its position. It is, of course, about the Android OS.

the fragmentation of Android, I could write an article full of numbers, where each would sleep. Recently, I came to the conclusion that the cruelty you that the time statistics of how many tenths of a cent increase in the number Nougatów on the market does not make sense. Who cares? Because and so we know that the producers are not in our mobile updates do not get it.

How not wgramy some later versions of the ROM that we are on the new Android yourself to dream.

Dreams are also a security upgrade, but that’s another pair of galoshes. If the mobile market there is any fight, it happens, of course, between Android and iOS, although the second, outside the United States does not have such a great support among the rest. However, this is not the problem of iOS, but its limited only for Apple devices which are not designed for the pocket of the average European. Windows in the mobile market practically does not exist.


At the moment, 9 out of 10 devices on the mobile market are system from Google.

All thanks to the fact that Android is an open system and available and free. Everyone can download it and install on your phone even the latest version, but this requires considerable wisdom. Such operations, of course, I don’t suggest niezaawansowanym users, because you can do it from your phone via cegłówkę. Know, also not from today, with Android happy to use Chinese, and it’s the one they launched on their devices, which are becoming increasingly popular in Europe due to the ratio of the low prices and good device parameters. Here is what the system is doing and Apple are outside the U.S. so little popular. With the exception of the country of the Anglo-Saxon, where to surrender the equipment to the sign of the Apple.


with the advent of the mobile market new brands trends vary greatly. It turns out that at the moment Chinese brands, they are much more popular than those who even a few years ago przodowali. The market of mobile devices, this is not a game between Samsungiem and Apple. The game includes many small companies that attract customers with low prices. I wonder how these figures will look like after some time.




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