Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Mc Donald’s, follows in the footsteps of Lidl! – fakt.pl

is Basis for success of our brand is skillful the expectations of the Guests. In relation to the range of products and experience which are a result of your visit to our area. It is also the quality of service, method of ordering, the use of modern technologies in this field. The speed and security of payments is an integral part. We are pleased that in cooperation with Google we are able to offer another innovation Michael Kłapa, Director of corporate McDonald’s Poland.

to be able to take advantage of the new app your phone should have Android 4.4 or higher. Simple:

1. Download from Google free app Android Pay

2. To connect to the application to their card by entering its data (card number, expiration date, CVC code) or just making a picture of her. If your Bank card has already podpięta in Google Play, you will be prompted to use it (you can also connect additional cards). Now you have to accept the rules, enter the received by Sms or email and at the end of the install app Android Pay as the default application to handle payments. the Whole process takes a few minutes. Now you can pay zbliżeniowo at McDonald’s.

in Order to use Android Pay at a McDonald’s restaurant, is enough to bring the phone and bring it to the payment terminal to make transactions. No need to even unlock the screen. Payment works exactly the same as in the case of credit card: if the transaction value exceeds 50 RUBLES, the system asks for a PIN code on the terminal. Internet access at the time of payment is not required, although if the number of transactions is limited. The phone receives the confirmation of the transaction. The application includes a list of transactions, together with their location.

At the moment the system accepts cards of three banks: Alior Bank, Bank WBK West and T-Mobile Banking Services. Soon to be joined by Amazon, and soon other banks. It is very safe, since the application uses a system tokenizacji – transmits to the terminal a payment code that can’t use another device. the these cards are not used and not transmitted to the seller during the transaction.

a New type of payment in Lidlu!

Lidl lost in court. Must… disassemble the store!



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