Thursday, April 16, 2015

Android also visited ATMs, to be cost-effective and efficient … – dobreprogramy

As already large collection of classes of devices, which by default
 Android is installed again increased. NCR, one of
 the world’s largest manufacturers of ATMs, introduced new
 device of this type, operating under the control of an
 modified system of Google. New, affordable ATMs with
 Android make it easier for banks to replace obsolete machinery,
 still running under Windows XP niewspieranego.

offered under the name “Kalpana” green little robot passed
 Of course a lot of modifications to meet imposed by banks
 requirements. Starting from the standard version of Android 4.4.4 for
 x86 processors, NCR has removed most of the unnecessary components
 user interface and device drivers. Applied for
 a secure bootloader prevents unauthorized modification
 Linux kernel and the upper layers of the system. With these treatments
 managed to get a safe, minimalist design saves
 suddenly 256 MB of memory.

Applications for Kalpana not run in the Dalvik machine as in
 ordinary versions of Android. Part of the system is a lightweight web
 skeleton on which they operate JavaScipcie applications and HTML5
 served with banking network. The manufacturer has no limits
 the servers and their software – androidowy ATM can
 “Talk” with virtually all popular systems,
 both opensource and proprietary, communicating
 by the well-known interfaces with REST-style web browsers.
 The default web server for the application kalpanowych is Apache, but
 can be used also other solutions. Systems are supported
 Oracle database management and SQL Server, but you can
 apply a non-relational database MongoDB.

NCR emphasizes that androidowy ATM will be cheaper than
 prevailing on the market today with Windows machines. The annual cost of maintenance
 Kalpana is expected to be between 12 and 15 thousand dollars, while for
 ATM typical Windows 7 is approx. 20 thousand. dollars.
 These calculations do not include the cost of license fees for
 Microsoft. Much cheaper to be a creation and maintenance
 new applications running on ATM, as well as and

Older readers may remember that Windows does not rule on
 ATMs from the very beginning. Once the most popular system
 operating for machines of this type was the OS / 2 IBM. “Windows”
 began to supplant the OS / 2 only in the second half of the 90s, mainly
 due to the greater ease of creating software on it and
 IBM vague plans about the future of his system. It is possible,
 that we will see a repeat of the story, and it’s similar
 reasons. It is easy to find programmers who know well
 web-based platform for its sustainable future is the
 guaranteed inertia civilization itself. It is no different from
 the future of the same “base” Kalpana – Google rather not
 withdraw from the Android development.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is still
 ATM offers manufacturers primarily Windows 7, an aging
 Tired system from which migration can be similarly
 troublesome, as it was in the case of Windows XP. NCR, therefore, depicts
 Kalpana as a radical answer to the question why are you still
 use Windows
. Of course
 It does not make that banks immediately turn from Redmond, alone
 long time manufacturer intends to make ATMs operating under
 Windows control, but things are clearly posed: in
 better to have a future for your own outdoor equipment
 system, compatible with open standards, than of depending on
 one supplier of paid and proprietary software.


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