Friday, April 24, 2015

Apple struggles with competition for Apple Watch. This bodes ill for Android … – PC World

April 24 – Market Apple premiere watch
. SmartWatch is selling like hotcakes, with
 as evidenced by their limited availability in stores Apple Store at
 throughout the world. It seems, however, that the Cupertino company is a
 little and Apple decided in quite an unsportsmanlike manner, take you by

One of the developers on iOS app announces the official
 Pebble forum that Apple withdraws from the App Store
applications, in which said support for
 this watch. The developer received the following message:

We noticed that your application or its metadata contains
 inconsistent information. Reminiscing about the compatibility of the platform, or
 data or other platforms, it is not appropriate for the App Store. The
 Specifically, your application and a description of the declare
 Pebble SmartWatch support

Short and to the point. It seems that the Cupertino company actually
 does not wish to competitive products for Apple Watch.
 Previously, it was not a problem, because Apple does not have its own
 SmartWatch. Now, when Apple Watch debuts in sales, the company
 Cupertino changes his mind.

However, such behavior does not bode
. We know that Google is working on adapting
 Wear the Android platform for use with iPhones.
 Smartwatchy with this system is more and more. Not only that, they offer
 they are more and more opportunities and better look. Example? LG
 Watch Urbane, which will go on sale in a few days longer.

lg-watch-urbane-silver-close-1500x1000.jpg LG Watch Urbane is one of the
 smartwatchy nicest and will be cheaper than Apple Watch

Developers Google can afford to work quietly on
 Wear transfer iOS Android, but still the final decision
 will belong to Apple. This Cupertino company decides
 or let to the App Store Android App Wear
. Without
 Google it will have a very limited room for maneuver.
 Jostling with applications for Pebble but not bode no good
 Wear the future of Android iOS platform.

The behavior of Apple a little surprising and disappointing. Watch Apple
 Watch sells so well (forecast for the first two weeks
 suggests that sold more than 3 million smartwatchy) that the company should not
 feel threatened by competing products. For example, last
 year (around!) sold only about 720,000 units of smartwatchy
 Android Wear. With Apple’s results are a drop in the bucket. A company with a
 Cupertino, however, wants to draw customers as much as possible
 money. Getting rid of the competition will provide better sales of Apple
 Watcha, and this, as we well know,
  can be the most profitable product in history

“See also:
  10 things you can buy instead of gold Apple

Source: Android Police


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