Friday, April 3, 2015

Stereotypes can be harmful – Android is not as … – Spider’s Web

Android is considered the most tattered mobile platform on the market. Most of the available reports indicate that virtually all mobile viruses are currently being built to the software under the sign of green robotic. However, Google is trying to prove that he is doing everything to make use of Android to be safe.

It follows that the post located on the Google blog dedicated to safety. Adrian Ludwig, chief engineer. Android security, put in it some interesting information on the safety of mobile devices running on Google’s operating system.


He noted that as many as one billion devices are protected by mechanisms that are in Google Play and the company of Mountain View monitors up to 200 million units per day. The SafetyNet checks as much as 400 million units daily for problems with SSL.

What is interesting, less than 1% of the said equipment was installed billion potentially harmful software.

To make things even more interesting, only 0.15% of all the equipment was installed in potentially harmful software from the store Google Play. In addition, Android and its partners responded to the reported 79 security bugs. Because of them waited to upgrade more than 25 000 applications.

 google android smartphone trojan virus

Uniquely it is also important that between the first and the fourth quarter of 2014 years the number of potentially harmful software installation halved. Google this does not boast, but that is largely due to his merit. It was in the previous year were introduced numerous controls software installed on smartphones. There are also more stringent regulations placing applications in Google Play store.

Malware on Android is for me about as real as aliens in Roswell, underwater civilizations, no queues at Lidl and other supernatural phenomena.

I accept the possibility that I can not hit, but I never thought it could happen. Of course it can be influenced by my cautious behavior. I do not regret 10 zł spent on the game and virtually no downloading applications outside shops Google Play and Amazon App Store. For this I always have antivirus software installed, and when I see on the website of the alleged error of my device infection, do not I click on it, just trying to close it as soon as possible.

 antivirus antivirus botnet virus

At the same time, keep in mind that even though I am pleasantly surprised by the data published by Google, Android is still consider to be the most buggy and prone to attacks currently available mobile operating system. Yes, I realize that in the case of a very small number of Android users install malware, and most of the people doing it, doing it at his own request.

The thing is that the competing systems, iOS and Windows Phone, do not offer such a possibility.

That’s why I prefer to use just one of them. I really appreciate the fact that no one offers me to install anti-virus, and clicking on a message saying the alleged threat at most amuse me, and will not lead to nervous knocking a finger.

* Pictures taken from Shutterstock service.


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