Tuesday, October 20, 2015

BlackBerry smartphone reveals the possibility of Priv: Android it can … – dobreprogramy

Priv BlackBerry smartphone is seen as the last hope TIP HACKLE
 on the mobile market. Sales of devices with excellent after the
 Technically BlackBerry OS I was in the last quarter
 only 800 thousand. pieces, one third of what a year
 earlier, less than the Apple happens to sell in one
 day. Did not help in the tradition of the Classic model, or
 also innovative in the form of a Passport. The first model, in which
 Canadian company decided to use the Android, will be able to
 save the company from having to leave the mobile market?
 Google’s hardware system is still the world on kilotons.
 Stand out here is not easy – unless the BlackBerry will be able to show
 something really unusual. The physical keyboard may not

Last week we revealed the first hardware information
 Priv. BlackBerry has launched a website
 Internet for all those fans who would like
 the first to hear when the new smartphone will go on sale. And so,
 officially awarded to stunning on both sides
 curved display 5.4 “, providing long life
 Battery 3410 mAh, both touch and physical keyboard.
 certified by Schneider-Kreuznach camera and unusual
 sound quality
. Before
 You could be heard on the use of the processor sześciordzeniowego
 Snapdragon 808 with 3 GB of RAM.

Apart from the slide-out keyboard,
 there is not anything that they could not be found in the offer
 other manufacturers of Android. The strength of the BlackBerry Priv has
 however be what so far in the world of Android nobody
 he could properly provide – privacy and security.
 Now, the company began to stoke interest in subsequent dosing
 Information about the software they get along with Priv.

Even Android can be sealed

First of all BlackBerry plans to seal the borders
 Linux kernel capabilities of Android. Probably never going to be
 as safe and as light as a QNX kernel used in the BlackBerry OS ie,
 But thanks to the Grsecurity patches,
 including bringing intelligent access control or protection
 by exploits that use memory corruption is to be
 incomparably safer than what we get in the ordinary
 Android (some components are used in the Grsecurity
 Cyanogenmodzie but in any mobile device has not yet
 used them all).

Instead of the traditional mechanism to unlock the device, Priv
 It is to bring familiar with BlackBerry OS 10.2.1 Picture password. We get here a picture of
 grid of randomly distributed digits. To unlock the device,
 We drag the grid so that the selected number appeared on selected
 previously part of the picture. This ingenious and convenient way to protect
 It has the possibility to play with graphic unlock pattern
 greasy marks on the screen, prevent, in practice, the suspicion
 code by peering from behind his shoulder and is completely resistant to
 Machinery, force attempts to break.

In the BlackBerry Priv we also expect original system
 Control of safety-relevant device resources, probably
 more refined and transparent than what we offer today
 Google Android 6.0, and a program DTEK, which clearly shows,
 which applications have access to which data measures the current
 device security state, and even advice on how to pick it up.

At this sealed Android work are in addition to
 google’owego also software copyright BlackBerry applications.
 These will include BBM Meetings, private teleconference
 and text messaging, SecuSUITE to private conversations
 telephone and WatchDox for personal file sharing.

keys, signatures, and ciphers

But what if Priv fall into the hands of unauthorized persons? Business
 It ensures that even then we should not be afraid of our
 private data. By using a process called Hardware Root of
 Trust, gain control over the device or extraction from it
 Information to be impossible. Set in an isolated space
 CPU mechanism to verify the signature cyfowy firmware, firmware
 verifies the signature of the operating system, the operating system verifies
 cryptographic hash of the underlying file system and file system
 verifies the abbreviations of all loaded applications. Used
 in this process, public-key cryptography based on the curves
 elliptical and hash function SHA-256. It goes without saying that
 the file system itself is encrypted by default, meeting under the
 in relation to the requirements of US federal government (FIPS 140-2).

Even if it had, however, somewhere in the fortress smartphones
 found a gap, BlackBerry promises something, does not offer
 no other vendor devices with Android. Above the watch Privé
 It will be a team of experts to respond to threats
 before they will be used against users before
 yet their patches prepare Google.

So far-reaching security did not offer even the famous
 Blackphone, and a new BlackBerry smartphone yet it is from him
 technically more advanced product. There remains, of course,
 One question – how much will it all cost? Prices officially
 not disclosed, but the Chinese service Leakfly talking about 3999 the renminbi,
 ie. approx. 2360 zł. As for the equipment, did not seem to amount
 exaggerated, especially as compared to the other “flagowców” of
 Android. If your BlackBerry is well play out, offer to Priv
 appropriate management tools for users
 corporate, it has a good chance again to create favorite mobile
 businessman, this time with the world’s largest library
 Android software. You may even decide to him, the new director of the CIA?


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