Monday, April 27, 2015

Android – Voice instead of the password protection is it safe? –

According to media reports and reports, which expanded to include specialists Bitdefender Mobile Security, some users of Android phones have noticed that introduced a new service to their phones. It seems that with the voice will be able to unlock your phone using the words “Ok Google”.

 This is not the first time that Google proposes Android phone users to unlock new methods of their devices without the need to go through the “trouble”, which is to enter a PIN or swiping your finger across the screen to enter the pattern or password.

             Android version 5.0 Lollipop has already introduced the “Trusted face” (which was supposed to be in order to recognize your face), “Trusted Devices” (which enabled device lock only for the establishment of a trusted Bluetooth device located in the vicinity), “Trusted site “(meaning that the phone is always unlocked when you are eg. at home or in the office, does not translate into more situations where we have a jealous partner or confidential business information). Google the latest inventions, a “trusted voice” that using voice recognition module verifies our identity. Run the application gives us the possibility of using the command “Ok Google” to unlock the device without asking for a password or PIN to our device.

always remain, however, concerns about the safety of this solution, which also recognized Google, by displaying a prompt, as soon as the voice unlock is enabled.

 “Ok Google” Trusted voice is less secure than a pattern, PIN or password. Someone with a similar voice or a recording of your voice can unlock your device

This is less secure than a pattern? Some of us have escaped a kilometer reading this warning.

Sure, it’s a very pleasant feeling (some may remind us of the television series Star Trek) have an Android device that unlocks using a voice command. You can already imagine all those gadgets geeks showing off to his new cool toy. This type of protection, however, you will not find on the list of potential functions to protect the most important devices and access protection in financial institutions.

It’s a matter of time before we find ourselves in an era in which smartphones they shall hold the most valuable information for us, precious photos, confidential projects work, private correspondence. Do you really care about exposing this data to the potential danger in the form of a person who may already be in possession of recordings of our voice?

We can not imagine also that many companies can feel comfortable with a potentially precarious privacy of this type. It would be advisable for them even blocking this type functions in order to enhance the security level. The truth is that the “Trusted Voice” has nothing to do with the safety and security of our device, but with the convenience of its use.

If the application is not able to properly distinguish between someone imitating your voice and manner of speech, or record your voice (which appears in the communication that can take place this type of situation) we should not in run at all. According to experts from the company Bitdefender best to protect the phone (SIM card), your special PIN, in addition to using a security lock screen (PIN, pattern). If you really afraid of leakage at the theft of our data, you can use the Anti-Theft, which is part of Bitdefender Mobile Security Antivirus Security. It allows in case of theft not only lock the phone, but also to locate it on the map and in the last resort to clear all private data.

You may think that this type of application will appeal to persons holding a lazy attitude to security, we also bring to your phone. This refers to the people who have the same passwords and PINs used to protect a variety of platforms, because they do not like to do myself “trouble” introducing others. But if it does not look “Trusted voice” for these users may be better than nothing.

Source: Marken Anti-virus systems



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