Monday, April 20, 2015

Installing Linux on a mobile device with Android – dobreprogramy

It is well known that Linux is almost universal operating system – after all, it can be installed almost anywhere, ranging from home computers and servers, and routers and SLR from Canon kończąc.Także largest mobile operating system – Android, is based on a Lnuxie, which means that each holder of the device with the software is installed on the Linux kernel, but its functions are not available to the user. But it turns out that there is a solution to launch a full-fledged Linux distribution to any hardware running Android 4.0 or later, and without removing the default operating environment – the only requirement is a broken version of Android ( ROOT ). Performance and functionality as a Linux distribution running on a satisfactory level, but to be completely happy missing x86 emulation – the system runs on ARM, which may prevent you from installing some applications known to x86. Personally, I did not have any problems when installing packages from the repository, but you should know that these troubles can take place.

Note: I do not take any responsibility for any damage to equipment or loss of data resulting from the use of the following tips . Everything you do at your own risk!

Preparing the necessary tools

To follow these tips, we will need a few tools such as:

  • Deploy Linux [Google Play | IT-Fun ™] – application Managing Linux work on the device – absolutely essential!
  • SSH Client [Google Play | IT-Fun ™] – SSH client that allows you to connect to the Linux command console. May be replaced by another software that has similar functionality.
  • VNC Viewer [Google Play | IT-Fun ™] – VNC client allows you to connect to a Linux desktop environment. May be replaced by another program with similar functionality.

All of these programs can be downloaded directly from the Google Play store, and if necessary, the official website of IT-Fun ™. With the use of the website, be sure to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources ( Settings — & gt; Security — & gt; Unknown Sources ).

Configuration software

After the acquisition of all of the tools it is worthwhile to take a moment to its configuration – will allow us to avoid problems and make it much easier to work with the programs:).

Deploy Linux

Settings Linux Deploy find the key Menu (three dots) — & gt; Settings . Especially might be interested in the option Lock WiFi and Lock Screen – will allow us to avoid unpleasant surprises when you use the program. It should also enlarge the font of messages displayed on the console Deploy Linux ( Font Size ) and increase the number of rows to the console ( Scroll Size ). The Update ENV and Remove ENV will help us if we wanted to, update or uninstall Linux Deploy.

SSH Client

Panel Client SSH client configuration is below the button Menu (three dots) — & gt; Settings . Worth going to change the screen orientation to automatic, as well as select full screen mode. Interesting is also the setting of function keys that can change in many ways, but if someone is not enough that the key Menu — & gt; Colors , we can determine the text and background colors for the console.

VNC Viewer

VNC Viewer does not provide global settings, but in the properties already established a connection we can change the quality of the image.

Download and install the distribution

After the installation and configuration of the above-mentioned application, we can go to download Linux. To do so, go to the Linux Deploy and the main screen, click on the icon to download, located on the top toolbar. You will see a full list of the distribution settings: In the Distribution and Distribution Suite , we can choose which distribution is to be taken, and the Architecture allows us to choice of architecture – but I do not advise to change this setting, as in my case the change caused problems booting.

Installation type allows us to choose how you want to store system files – whether they are to be IMG file saved or stored in bulk on a memory card or a separate partition. If someone decided to IMG file in the Image Size , select the size of the file (it is recommended that a minimum of 2GB) – you need to be borne in mind that the FAT32 file system, the maximum file size is 4095MB. The File system will leave most reasonable default.

User Name , enter the user name you want to create in the system. Its default password is “ changeme .”

In the DNS Server can have the application that was receiving system files from the repository, using the specific name servers domains. Setting of little use, but as someone really wants to can use the address (DNS by Google).

Localization you can set the default location for distribution . Sorry – there is no choice of the Polish language, which is why I recommend to select en_US.UTF-8 (system interface system will then be in English.)

Components you can select which additional components to be installed. Necessary components are: SSH Server and VNC Server , because without them did not merge with the system. If you want to be automatically installed desktop environment must also install X Server and Desktop Environment . Then install a desktop environment that is selected in the Desktop Environment .

The following settings apply to the already installed the system and then take care of them :). After the initial configuration of the system can initiate the download., Followed by the installation of the system – to do this, click in the same window to Install . This process requires Internet access and takes about an hour, but it does not require our intervention, and therefore we can safely leave the machine, and this time do something else. Completing the installation will be made known by the “ & lt; & lt; & lt; end: install ” visible in the console Linux Deploy.

Configure Distribution

After successful installation of the system, we have to make additional system configuration. To make the configuration of any such distributions click on the icon to download and go down the list. We are here among other things, turn on and off and change the settings for VNC and SSH servers – this, however, is not recommended to do it, because it is through these servers connect to the system. It is worth to add your own mount points (options Custom mounts and Mounts poits ) – This feature allows you to share individual folders as seen from the Android, which allows the use of its resources on Linux . Personally, I took advantage of this option and installed a memory card itself and the internal memory of the device.


When you get to this part of the tutorial we are holders of a fully functioning and ready to work, and Linux distributions can run it ,. To do this you must first install all the system files using the Start in the upper part of the window Deploy Linux. Then begins to mount a partition and load a binary distribution, but about the end of this process you will be informed by the “ & lt; & lt; & lt; end: start ” visible Deploy Linux console. Now depending on whether you want to work on the console or in a graphical environment, we must use the appropriate program – VNC client (for connections to the desktop environment), or an SSH client (for connection to terminal commands).

Connecting to the console – SSH (for Example SSH Client)

Run our customers and at the bottom of the main screen in the text box, type & lt; username & gt; @ & lt; port_domyślnie_jest_to_22 & gt; (for example, alan@127.0 .0.1: 22 ), while the drop-down list next to the text box, select the SSH protocol. Then confirm the desire to connect with the ENTER key (on the physical keyboard or virtual). If when you connect it asks you if you want to continue connecting – allow him to do so. As you will be asked for a password that give your password to your account Linux – default is “ changeme ” (you can change it later using the passwd ). After a while you will be connected to the system console and you can start using all the goodness that it offers.

Connecting to the desktop environment – VNC (for example VNC Viewer)

We run our VNC client and click on the + sign in top of the main screen. Then on the screen that appears in the Address wpisujmy , and the Name can type what you want – it is just a name for the connection profile in the program. If you do not want the password that has been saved we’ll deselect Save Password . After filling in all the fields, click on Done – then move on to the next window where you can select the image quality ( Picture Quality ) and eventually connect to the system. While joining you will be asked for the password system – the default password is “ changeme .”

Connecting to the console of the computer – SSH (for example PuTTY)

It turns out that our distribution can also connect to the computer – the only condition is the presence of two devices in one network. To connect to the console, you can use the open source program PuTTY, which is available for download on the official website of the manufacturer and the official website of IT-Fun ™. After downloading the program, run it, and the main window switch to the SSH protocol. In the first text box, enter the internal IP address of the mobile device (you can preview it on the top bar Deploy Linux), while in the second – the port (default is 22). Then click on Open, and when it asks you for a username and password – we give them and the program establishes a connection.

Connecting to the desktop environment from your computer – VNC (VNC Viewer on prrzykładzie)

At the beginning of charge VNC Viewer Version 32-bit or 64-bit. This program can be run directly after downloading, because it does not require installation. In the main window of the program, enter the internal IP address of the mobile device (you can preview it on the top bar of the Linux Deploy), and we establish the connection by pressing the Connect . Then, after the administration of credentials you will see a graphical environment of our distribution.


After the work with Linux and disconnects all sessions must have Linux service unmount the device. To do this you must re-enter the Linux Deploy and the upper part of the window, select Stop – the program then starts unmounting the system, but about the end of the’ll be told by the “ & lt; & lt; & lt; end: stop “visible in the console application.

Clearing System

If we feel that Linux on the mobile device does not meet our expectations, we can easily uninstall it. First, you need to unmount the Deploy Linux system, if not already done so. Then go to application settings and choose Remove ENV – remove this whole environment, which is used to mount Linux. Then you can just delete the application using the Application Manager system. At the end should still be removed from the memory card, which remained with the distribution system (eg. IMG file), using any file manager.


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