Thursday, April 16, 2015

Android will appear at ATMs –

NCR Company, the largest US provider of ATMs announced that built the machines operating on the operating system developed by the company Google. Will be equipped with specially modified and highly secure system Android 4.4.4 KitKat called Kaplan and Intel processors.

Users of smartphones know that Android is the least secure operating system, because version designed for ATMs has been properly modified and equipped with, among others, in a special boot-loader, which prevents the system from running the code introduced by hackers. In addition, simplified architecture for applications created, thanks to the ATM service will become cheaper and more convenient.

As a result of these Kaplan changes weighs only 256 MB compared to several gigabytes of data they contain ATMs with Windows XP and Windows 7. Applications The priests have also been adapted to network and support standard HTML.

New ATMs are also to be much cheaper than current models, which cost about $ 20,000. The cost of new equipment will be from 12 to 15 thousand dollars. As a result, banks will save considerable money not only on the same hardware, but also on the cost of license fees submitted by the ability to use Microsoft Windows.

NCR must now convince banks to give up on Windows devices and began to slowly adjust to the hardware with Android. It will not be easy, because the company ensures that it does not intend to give up the production of ATMs on the Microsoft platform and new machines will be introduced gradually.


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