Even before yesterday known in the world of Windows blogger Paul Thurrot
commented on the rumors, the Redmond, expressing their concerns about the
meaningfulness strategy which aimed to open Microsoft’s platform
Android software. As we have heard during yesterday
transmission BUILD conference, the reality was worse
rumors (at least from the perspective presented by Thurrota).
Windows will be able to run applications created not only
for Android, but for iOS-a, known for the highest quality
available software on it. How do they feel now everyone
Those who wasted devoted long hours to learn
programming for Windows Phone, instead of dealing with Android, or
Let us recall what we already know. Microsoft announced
four-step plan to make Windows the most versatile
runtime platform for software. First,
developers were given the opportunity to transform services
Web and browser based applications in the “windowed” applications
Windows. Secondly, there will be the possibility of disseminating
Windows applications through the official store, regardless of whether
These are apps for win32, Windows RT, .NET Windows Presentation
Foundation and .NET WinForms. Such applications are to be installed
in virtualized containers, and automatically update
clean way to uninstall, so users no fear
Consequently, their download.
The elements of Microsoft’s strategy can not be faulted -
a mess that can make Windows applications can be
nielichy, and this is obviously not the fault of the application, but
ill-system architecture. Using known
Linux containerization techniques is the best way to avoid
the need to redesign the system (threatening yet
losing backwards compatibility), and also the introduction of
orders. Likewise, the ability to easily transform the Web-
application into something that will work well with system
interfaces (eg. API files or energy management mechanisms)
This same benefit for users.
However, the next steps in the plan are much more controversial.
Islandwood project is built by Microsoft to build chain
Objective C language with a layer of middleware, introducing
Windows programming interfaces, which could be expected
Apps for iOS and. At reportedly minimal amendments will be
so that any application for iOS and run on Windows.
In turn, the Astoria project is a complete runtime environment
for Android, so that will be a significant part
applications (both written in Java on Android SDK, as well as C / C ++ on
Android NDK) in APK packages run directly on Windows.
A significant portion, but not all. Astoria most likely not
You will be able to handle all the APIs that are
closed, proprietary Google Mobile Services. It remains an open question to what extent Microsoft be able to play reverse engineering methods.
Astoria provide is for it
proprietary interfaces through which the android developers will
able to get to the Windows functions such as eg. Digital
assistant Cortana.
Both Islandwood and Astoria have become part of
what now officially bears the name Windows Mobile (ie special
version of “windows” for smartphones and small tablets) – not
known or are embedded in the full-size windows 10.
their effectiveness is not what doubt: if the BlackBerry
It was unable to its mobile operating system to build a high-
compatible runtime for Android applications, it
the more it is able to do it from Microsoft. Consider
but it should be on whether in this situation is any sense in
build native applications for Windows Mobile – since writing
software for the Android SDK, you can access not only to
niche quite a Microsoft platform, but also for the famous
operating system in the history of mankind.
It is possible that this move Microsoft has strengthened only
Android unprecedented status, a system that had over a year ago
1 billion active users, and was installed on more than 1.6
Device billion (according to company data Statistika) and who, according to
forecasts from the beginning of next year exceeds the 2 billion
system. These figures do not include equipment that uses
Only open source version of Android, without access to services
Google. Software for Android not only works on
Android – work to introduce Chrome browser
support applications of this mobile system are being completed.
When that happens, writing software for Android will gain
User access to the most popular browser in the world, with
whose use has been every other surfer of this planet (data
service StatCounter).
If all of this equipment will still Windows, it
ironically will be able to say that in fact, Microsoft
invented the format of universal application – and it’s called APK
(Android Package).
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