After Friday’s launch of the Apple Watch, the first estimates about how many people actually decided to buy the latest iPhone device from the manufacturer. If you believe the forecasts, the competition is cause for concern.
After the release of the Apple Watch and sold out of all the watches in a few hours from the start of pre-could predict two possible scenarios. One assumes that Apple has provided a really small number of products, and storage resources are minimal.
In this case, Apple Watch only looked in demand gadget.
Another scenario is that consumer interest in the company from Cupertino exceeded, although she was a whole bunch of watches. Which of these is true, it is found only when Apple decides to share the official data on the number of pre-order actually made.
So far, the data for some time will not, but analysts – including fima Slice Intelligence – now try to estimate how many of these watches is actually sold – and more were ordered in the United States. Money is not yet downloaded from the bank accounts of customers.
Orders for watches Apple Watch estimated at more than one million units.
Individual contracts was 957 thousand., But each of them related to average 1 , 3 pieces of the watch. If the Cupertino company would be able to achieve this result, it would be a cause for satisfaction. Ubieralna technology is still a niche, and generating sales Pebble million has been working for several years on the market. Wear Android watches while in the first few months several sold … 750 thousand. copies.
So far, it is difficult to estimate the actual revenue from the sale of the manufacturer Watcha first smartwacha on offer. Tim Cook Company proposes nearly three dozen different versions of color and accompanying bands or bracelets. Envelope additive is present in two sizes. Price Apple Watchy in Europe starts from 400 euros, but the most expensive gold variants cost even several thousand euros.
The preliminary data show that 62 per cent. orders related to the Apple family watches Watch Sport.
The analysts indicate that the more popular models enjoyed 42 mm envelope. More smaller watches with 38 mm envelope took people deciding on Apple Watch Sports (32 percent.). Apple Steel Watch enjoyed less attention (24 percent.).
40 percent. orders related to the aluminum model Apple Watch Sports stellar color gray. Another 34 percent. This silver steel model. Model with raw aluminum finish is 23 percent. all preorderów. Finished steel watch Black color space accounts for just 3 percent. orders.
The majority of people have decided to band also in the same color.
Given that customers choose the envelope, it is no surprise that 49 percent. people chose black rubber band.
Only 16 percent. chose the white band, and the next in order was a steel bracelet Milanese Loop, which ordered every tenth future Apple Watcha holder.
The average price of the ordered watch was 503.86 dollars.
In the case of the Sport version, it was 382.83 dollars. In the case of Apple Watch watches made of steel with sapphire glass, consumers paid an average of $ 707.04. That’s twice as much as the nominal price of the cheapest model in the range.
It is also unclear how many people actually decide to buy. You can preorder the type of contract canceled at any time, as long as Apple does not collect the money from the credit card. There is no assurance that all of the money actually will go to an Apple account.
There are in fact reports that Apple cancels the order, if you ordered more than 2 watches to the same recipient, or with the same Apple ID.
I hope that my green Apple Watch Sports in size 38 mm to hit me because I gave up on behalf of black, bigger model.
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