Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Android may have a dark face – PC World

And it would seem that this initial period was the most
 dangerous to users. The period when formed hundreds
 applications for practically nothing, or duplication
 simple functions. In practice, when Android only worked on his
 the popularity of such tools primarily affect
 system stability and smartphone.

 chart-ww-smartphone-os-market-share.jpg The share of individual platforms on the market
 of smartphones in recent years

It was not until many years later, when Android has become a mature and very
 a complex system, the spectrum of threats became real. On the one
 a simple reason. Android became the general scheme,
  today is used by more than 80 percent of smartphone users
 the world
(second iOS is less than 15% of users), and
 number of applications on Google Play more than 1.5 million.

And there are yet more independent website with applications. And even
 if each of them offers fewer items than Google Play, it
 the percentage of malicious programs there is even 20 times

The huge popularity of Android works to the advantage

Now that Android has gained such a large user base, not surprisingly,
 that each institution whose functioning could move on
 digital plane, decided to benefit from this. Of course
 there are also other mobile systems, mainly iOS and
 Windows Phone, but it Android is now in the crosshairs
. While Google is like Windows, which
 thanks to the enormous popularity has become a target of attacks malicious
 software. Less popular platforms like Linux or iOS seem
 safe, because fewer users are less Listed
 cases of cyber attacks. With Android is just like with cars
 and airplanes. It is the latter we consider to be dangerous, but only
 because almost everyone drives a car, and the threat that it
 it carries easily shrugged off.

First – a smartphone and Android are inseparable

The above statement is not the complete truth, but each
 user smartphone running Google must realize that
 its security depends on the security of the system platform
 which uses. Last year, the laboratories G DATA
 posted about 2 million mobile malware

 (estimates, thousands of new submissions per day) which proves that
 upward trend in the number of threats persists and takes
 force. One should expect that each of them can affect
 also us.

The number of threats and infections for Android
 counts today millions


Why? Smartphones have become inseparable companions in
 our work and private life. We use them as natural
 the way that we are not able to see the moment in which someone
 take over our data, overheard conversations, steal valuable files
 Memory smartphone, or steal money from your account. Is it
 made possible by a certain weakness of smartphones, which are also
 their strength. Of course we are talking about the rights they confer
 installed applications.

Second – applications typically want more than they need

The latest version of Android numbered 6 brings
 a very valuable function which is to inform users about the attempt
 use of its powers beyond the norm. But
 Marshmallow is installed so far only an insignificant number of
 smartphones (fortunately, this percentage increases), which means that only
 the percentage of users can count on this kind of support


But in this case, ignorance may lead to the fact that
 average user accepts the elevation for
 application access to data or functions of your smartphone. Just to
 be able to continue “comfortable” to use it.

screen1.jpg Torch functionality in both applications, and how
 different requirements. Some of them may be justified by additional
 functions, and yet all?

Each installed application needs certain
to be able to carry out their functions. As in
 licensed social networking site or hosting pictures. Usually
 the request is for only the features you need, but sometimes list
 very extensive. In such situations, we should feel
 concerns and try to determine if you are sure the program must be
 access to the content of our e-mail, contact lists, camera or
 a microphone, and even image display management.

We are fighting for our safety, but
 often not where it is most important

Unfortunately, laziness makes you not care about such
 affairs, although we should. Paradoxically, in the case of services
 social networking or photo excited about excessive violations
 our rights, although in most cases without the required consents service
 he could not pursue as simple as viewing our operations
 avatar of another person, whether our photos to your friends. We fight, but not
 in the field where you need to. The threat may appear in our

Thirdly – even with the official application store can be

Google policy provides oversight made available on Google
 Play applications, but it is not as tight as in the case iOS
 (also not 100 percent safe, but do not install
 applications outside the App Store as in the Android and even Windows


Even the official store may enter harmful
 applications and with this be reckoned with. Google Play recently removed from
 applications store 13, which, after installation of received powers
 Administrative. This allowed them to take control of the smartphone and
 intrude your system files (ie. rootowanie Android). IN
 Thus malicious tools can even survive
 restore the system
, which in the opinion of many people completely
 erases any unwanted data from the smartphone memory.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Known case from 2015
 he is a card game Durak and application IQ Test, which hit the
 millions of smartphones before they were removed from Google Play. Also in these
 contains malicious code (sent, among others, Premium SMS), which
 action at first glance it is difficult to discern.

Pest highest level is much less than
 applications that are adware, but so potential
 the number of infected smartphones is huge.

Controlling date code applications million
 by the creators of Android is simply impossible

How to protect yourself from harmful mobile applications? Pose
 control required by no powers should be limited to
 we need only install the application. Directly from
 app store, not by external APK files (few
 Exceptions include. trial version G DATA INTERNET SECURITY for
). Android anyway by default to block unattended
 the installation of such applications.


It is worth checking the opinions of the network, store applications and
 even talk to your friends, among which the large
 the probability of someone already using the application chosen by us. AND
 in the end you have to remember to regularly updating downloaded
 tools – most of the amendments in the case of applications for Android
 safety concerns.

No one can forbid so-called malicious application
 the same as the high reputation. Therefore, not only sugerujmy

You should also avoid modification of the system beyond what
 They provide its updates. Breaking locks that allow you to
 the use of unofficial functions or modified versions
 always involves risk and makes it easier for cybercriminals hacking into
 the device.

The following summary of certain harmful activities which may
 call humanoid malware. This is just a small selection. (source:
































Type of Action family of malware
Trojan that steals your contact list Ackposts
User buries ads Airpush
Sends Premium SMS Boxer
Takes unique identifiers mTAN
 You need when banking transactions
Captures unsecured Internet sessions DroidSheep
takes over control of the device.
 captures all data and communications
Droid Kingfu
Sends personal data and opens pornographic websites FakeTimer
Takes address book Find and Call
Allows remote access (type Trojan RAT), making attacks
 DoS / DDoS and manipulation of the activity and the content
Initializes the buying process applications
 Chinese external stores with applications
Steals personal data and GPS position data
Allows you download an application that
 takes control of the
Allows you to perform malicious activities in Windows
 smartphone through a USB connection to a computer
is used to capture personal information,
 data needed for the banking operations. The defendant remote
 Management smartphones (RAT)
Steals unique identifiers for transactions mTAN

Fourth – common sense when using the smartphone is

I would get lost smartphone? Probably a lot of people for more
 considers likely to damage or fast display
 installing a malicious application. Sometimes it is, but when
 actually we lose control of our device test
 Undergoes our sense when first using
 from your smartphone.


If you have used a lock and login zaszyfrowaliśmy
 memory, do not keep valuable data on your SD card, as well as
 We took advantage of the application that provides tracking device or
 erase data, there is a good chance that losses will be

However, when the smartphone is protected with a simple gesture, and we do not
 we control its location, the consequences could be dire. And it
 only when something like this happens, we realize as
 a lot of valuable information stored on the smartphone without
 adequate security or backup
. It is worth
 Also remember what data we have provided with smartphone services
 Cloud, in the event of loss does not lose even those
 the data.

 screen4.jpg advertising attached to the application or
 Statement on the entire page. It does not have to be true, and just clever
 attempt to force us to go under unknown to us Link

The application or site suggests that our device is
 Infected? It is not true, unless it is a message packet
 Security. However, if this message is accompanied
 installed application or as a window pops up during
 Browsing the site of dubious reputation, it is 100 percent
 is false. It is an attempt to force our action, which can only
 end up installing malicious software. These
 suggestive messages, often supported by the awe-inspiring
 vibration is simple social engineering, which refers to
 our psyche

Never reagujmy on information about risks,
 Ads that accompany the applications or open as
 page in the browser

Wi-Fi is also a potential source of danger. Since
 so we attach importance to a secured wireless networks
 in the case of laptops, the more you should see to that in the case
 smartphones. Also in the case of Android, we can take advantage of
 Techniques encrypted secure connections through
if we must necessarily send sensitive data.


With the above issue involves a question of trust to mobile
 banking transactions. Opinion on this subject, even among experts
 are divided – roughly half have serious reservations
 the safety of such operations. Therefore, although we are hot
 encouraged to this form of execution of orders, let’s
 ten times do we have to do in the area and unknown to us

Can we trust mobile banking applications, features
 contactless payments using a smartphone?

I wish I could answer yes and to reassure all
 KŚ readers. However, as for the road network should also
 apply the principle of limited confidence pages, application or
 users. Especially when it comes to our money. FROM
 certainly the creator of the bank care about mobile applications
 the safety of their users, but such appkach as in
 others may occur security holes. Sometimes reason is
 greater emphasis on comfort and functionality, others
 together is a simple human error. Hackers do not pass up this opportunity,
 therefore banking applications should always be possible

If you already have to take advantage of mobile banking it
 Certainly not posługujmy a public Wi-Fi network, and on the phone
 or tablet Install a suitable anti-virus software.
 In the last year, up 4 banks with the Polish were the most TOP20
 attacked the world. Most likely, this year it
 will not change.

NFC is the convenience and the threat at the same time. In case of loss
 card number of transactions during which no authorization is required
 and the connection with the bank, up to 50 PLN can seriously deplete our
 budget. In our report threats with 2012 we paid
 attention to this new vector of attack and since that time we were already
 witness such unpleasant history
– says Robert
 Dziemianko, Marketing Manager at G Data. Here also
 we recommend that health care
– he added.


The last thing with which we have to realize is that,
 that cybercriminals do not always seek to enforce data loss from
 smartphone, which alerts us immediately. The smartphone, on which
 action has custody of specially crafted Trojan may be
 back door that allows criminals to track our
 activity, take control of our finances and more
 activities, including espionage. Therefore, many
 enterprises do not allow any disposition by company
 smartphones, and prohibits the use of private devices

Fifth – Android as Windows also needs package

Android includes basic tools
 security and features such as Android Device Manager
 allows you to remotely manage the contents of the smartphone and its
 location. However, for comprehensive protection it is necessary
 dedicated tool. It may be, for example, pack G

Proper smartphone protection should be
 a priority for us the highest degree

The list of features of this application include:

  • Virus Protection

  • Antiphishing and filtering calls through the Web

  • protection against malicious applications

  • protection against malware

  • Filter voice calls and SMS, Premium numbers blockade

  • Advanced protection in case of loss of the device (including
     commands via SMS)

  • Lock when replacing SIM card

  • Blocking access to specific applications by using

  • Protection Contacts

  • Security youngest users – family filter

  • Control Panel Action Center to remotely manage the protection device
     - Ac.gdata.de

The following screenshots show how powerful functions
 G DATA packet protection for smartphones. Most importantly, each of
 function has reasonable justification, and it is not only unnecessary

 screen5.jpg Main Menu and window status

screen6.jpg Control application permissions

 screen7.jpg Various lock functions

 screen8.jpg Security Options browser
 antiphishing protection applications

Using the full functionality G DATA INTERNET
 Security for ANDROID
need to buy a license for 80
 respectively. This is a negligible cost compared with the comfort and
 Security offered us the use of this application. By
 the first 30 days, you can use the package without limitation

 GDATA-670x470.png photo.
 Pixabay.com, Simon Cassis, bloomua | 123RF.com


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