Saturday, May 23, 2015

Google and biometrics? Android M has the support of readers bring the … – dobreprogramy

   With the upcoming release of Android M, the Web there are more and more information concerning the possible news that it would provide Google. Among them could not fail to mention the authentication using fingerprint. So far offered solutions wore the nature of copyright functionality implemented by some partners group from Mountain View on your own. However, they did not have any connection with the native API.

   Google planned to provide user verification software with a fingerprint already with the release of the previous version of your system. Indicate that even the changes that have appeared in the AOSP code shortly before the presentation of Android Lollipop. The first device utilizing a new feature was to be the Nexus 6. Plans, however, they failed to realize, because the only company that manufactures fingerprint readers of sufficient quality was acquired by Apple.

   Over the last year, other manufacturers fingerprint readers, however, were able to significantly improve the quality of our products. An example is the recent proposal even Samsung. Fingerprint reader, in which was equipped Galaxy S6 model, characterized by high reliability and considerable precision. In addition to classic scenarios, the technology could also be used, eg. To confirm the purchase in Google Play store or log on to the selected site via Chrome. With the new capabilities could also use third-party applications.

 User authentication system using fingerprint reader is not new, it was used more in the previous decade in more expensive laptops. More cautious users, however, might be tempted to declare that Google introduced a new feature in its own purpose, ie. Establish a database of fingerprints. However, from a marketing point of view, this seems to be unlikely. Google convinced about the growing reluctance of consumers to such practices during the early stages of placing on the market of Google Glass.

                         © dobreprogramy


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