Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google shows Android M. Here is a list of news – Spider’s Web

making the conference Google I / O 2015 during which presented the Android M. Here’s all the news.

App Permissions

Thanks to the powers of application, users regain control over programs that run on mobile devices. Now it will depend on the user or allow the application access to the location, camera, microphone, phone functions, SMS, calendar and sensors.


In the end, a list of permissions of the application will not only be readable and understandable for users, but also that from them will depend on what applications will receive specific rights. Questions about the permit application data will appear in the form of pop-ups, so there will be nowhere to hide and deeply sewn in the advanced settings of your smartphone.

The issue permissions of the application has already been resolved in a similar manner in iOS-e. Well, that Google went the same way. This is an important change, not only for reasons of image.

Custom Tabs

The new feature will allow you to open new tabs in Chrome directly to external applications. Thanks to disappear need to use browsers built into various applications. Developers will be able to use Chrome.

Android Pay

The payment system built into smartphones and tablets with the operating system Google Android Pay it was. Mobile payments Android M will use Google Wallet and NFC wireless connectivity.

Screenshot 2015-05-28 on 18.58.52

Google announced that 700 different partners will in the near future to support the Android mobile payments Pay and that the system would be simple and safe. To make a payment you will need to use a fingerprint reader and approval of the transaction amount on the screen.

This information is almost confirmed that the next Nexus will debut with fingerprint readers. It’s hard to Google’s flagship device does not support one of the most important new features.

Screenshot of 1.19.45 2015-05-28

This news is likely to be the nail in the coffin of Samsung Pay payment system, which debuted at the moment ‘Samsung Galaxy S6 premiere, which from now on will only duplication of functions to the default Android M.


The new Android M introduce better power management through less frequent synchronization with the network to receive notifications. Built-in modem mobile device is characterized by a big appetite for energy, so a software solution to this problem seems to be sensible.

If the information provided by Google will be reflected in reality, our smartphones and tablets will be able to work even twice as long (!) on a single battery charge. That’s right according to Google longer periods Android Nexus 9 M and function Doze.

It is hoped that automagically feature that recognizes when a user needs to receive notifications on a regular basis, and when you can wait a little longer, it will indeed acted properly. I would not want bypassed important to me to know, just because Android M considered that currently are not relevant.

USB Type-C

The following graphic will soon cease to be valid, since the device Android will support USB Type C.


USB Type C allows you to plug into the wall socket possession of any party. Just like the Lightning connector operates in Apple devices.

Direct Share

Android M will learn from this, with which people frequently share data content: photos, documents, etc., And will We can suggest the right people, with whom we should share data files.

What’s new in Android M?

New features permissions for applications is a very important novelty. However, the improvements associated with the Chrome browser, Android mobile payments Pay and better management of energy – Doze – are no longer so significant, and certainly not unexpected. It’s obvious that Android needed to solve the problems of energy escaping from the battery. Mobile payments are also not surprising, but it’s good …

Android 5.0 Lollipop was a kind of revolution and brought big earthquake, after which until now Google could not get up. But still Lollipop on Nexusach does not work well, and users complain of numerous problems.

That’s why Android M should bring primarily fixes and improvements related to the stability of operation and the length of operation on a single battery charge.

After Lollipopie Android is already nice. May the M version was also stable and reliable.

Read more about the latest news from Google I / O:


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