Thursday, May 28, 2015

Google I / O 2015: the relationship – PC World

Lecturer at the beginning praised by the number of people watching
 broadcast the event, which reportedly dates back two million. Later
 briefly discussed the program of the conference: – We’re going to talk today about the
 the development of our services.
First of all, he meant, of course,
 of the mobile system Android. After a few sentences on expansion
 Android on smart watches or TVs we passed
 for Android M

Android M

– In the case of Android M, we focused on how
 the best experience for users
and development
 features that users would love to –
after the
 We heard a statement specifics.

She confirmed one of the rumors: Applications will be asked for
 permission to use the data functions of the device when not
 installation, only only when the first try them
 use. Users will be able to modify permissions

Google Launches Android also for own system
 called Android mobile payments Pay.
What is interesting, is
 operate without any additional application – to pay for his
 help in the shop just unlock the smartphone, select the appropriate
 option and move it back to the terminal. The truth turned out to be too
 reports of Android support line M for readers
 Fingerprint. They will work with Android and of course Pay
 with many other elements of the system.

The new system will allow devices to even Double
 work longer on a single battery charge, compared with Android
. How did we achieve this? Android M
 use of, inter alia, the motion sensor. If you’re locked
 the unit remains for some time in one place, part
 -consuming application is automatically closed.

When discussing one of the functions inadvertently leading wspmniał
 about the fact that Android M will be launched in the third quarter of this
 year. The trial version Developer Preview will be available at Nexusach
 5, 6, 9 and Player today. That’s all we know – not
 we know the official name of the system or not seen as
 It looks. We assume, however, that rather not receive the number 6 and
 Material Design styling retains familiar with lollipop.

Android Wear

Teacher emphasized the increasingly important role played
 SmartWatch, and thus also Android Wear. His
 next incarnation is to have a lot of amenities. It’s hard not
 noted that they are a response to Apple Watcha. Watches will be
 always showed an hour, maps are displayed in a special
 black-and-white mode, saving battery, will also
 the ability to draw emoji. Attention was drawn to the fact that in
 Google Play can find more than 4,000 applications already prepared
 specifically for Android Wear
, and there will be more – such
 Shazam as the watch using a microphone or Google

Project Brilo

When the time came for wearables Brilo – a new system designed for the Internet of things
 that is, for example, home appliances, which can connect to the
 network. The advantages of the platform to be very low system requirements,
 built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy, and convenient
 cooperation with all devices with Android. We hope,
 that this solution will come true, because in the world of Internet
 Things lacked so far a unified standard.

Provision of information

– Why your smartphone does not remind us of an interesting place,
 a friend wrote to us some time ago? Why, if for
 two months we’re going to New York, the device does not advise us,
 we phoned an old friend who lives there? –
 I want to allow users to receive all important
 information through an assistant, Google Now.

Soon, thanks to cooperation with other applications, using
 Google Now will be able to order a taxi for shopping or
 the place where we are staying. The process is carried out in
 the most natural way. Giant from Mountain View, focuses
  on the best diagnosis and plain language
 Contextual expression.

presented a demo where someone was listening on your smartphone
 Skrillex song. The user asked, “what is his real
 name? “and received the correct answer. It really is
Another example: c zytając
 e-mail, in which the question is asked “do you want to go for a movie
 Tomorrowland? “, Just click the Home button to move to
 relevant information about it.

Google Photos


This brand new product. It has to be a safe place, which
 It allows the collection of photos and videos, and access to them at every
 device. It has also assist in the organization and photo library
 enable simple file sharing. The program collects all
 photos and displays them sorted by time
 performance. It can also automatically segregate
 photos by the places from which they arise or people on them
 are – without any tagging.
Additional features include
 add filters, creating collages or movies. Built assistant
 he is even able to assemble the relevant video.

The service has no capacity limit. supports
 photographs with a resolution up to 16 megapixels and Full HD movies.
 Is available from today for Android, iOS and the
 Web browser.

Other news

During the presentation of products intended for markets
 Emerging popular platform such as Android smartphones One,
 Support for slow connections and for offline mode
 YouTube keel countries also mentions offline in
 Google Maps
. It is to be available later this year.
 It will allow you to search for destinations and navigation, as well

That’s all important message. We saw quite
 a lot, but we are waiting for further details about, for example,
 Android M. At the conference he was our special envoy,
 which will soon provide us with interesting material from the first

»See also: Android M authentication system prints

Source: press materials


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